Public Research Database
This is the public version of my research database, which is synched from my offline working research database at regular intervals. It contains the most current and most accurate version of my work, along with the majority of my sources and references.
For privacy reasons, information is not included for individuals who are still alive, or deceased within the last 30 years, or born after the 1911 Census with an unknown death. A few events and sources are also removed, such as those based on private correspondence with living people. If you see any information that is not fully supported by the cited sources, it's almost certainly the case that there are additional private sources that aren't shown.
I hold copies of most of the census records, parish registers and other sources cited, but due to copyright restrictions these are not made available in my public database.
Research Notes
I have notes on my current brickwalls and other puzzles that may be of interest to anyone researching the same people.
I have written some articles about some of my more notable ancestors.
Public Tree on
My public tree is also available on This tree is updated less frequently than my Public Research Database, and as doesn't have the ability to update a tree from a GEDCOM file, only to create a new one, the ID number and link will change every time it is updated, and any bookmarks to the previous version will become invalid. For this reason, you may prefer to bookmark this page, which will always contain a link to the most recent version.
Collaboration Sites
I maintain profiles for my direct ancestors and their siblings, as well as my research interests that are more distantly related, on FamilySearch. My Public Research Database contains links to the WikiTree and FamilySearch profiles of each individual where known. I also use Lost Cousins, and add all relevant details of 19th-century relatives to that site.
I have tested with, and have uploaded my raw DNA file to other sites including MyHeritage and GEDmatch. I always welcome messages from DNA matches.
Contact Me
I am always happy to be contacted about by research and to collaborate with anyone who has similar interests. I can be contacted at