Medical Information

Date 28 June 1898
Description Tom was involved in an accident at a fairground on his birthday, and was off work for some time afterwards


The South Wales Echo article was published on Wednesday 29 June 1898, and records events that happened on "Tuesday", which was Tom John's birthday. His birth certificate shows his birthday as 29 June - so mostly likely the events in question happened on Tuesday 28th, and he was celebrating his birthday at an event the night before, rather than on the day itself.

Source References

  1. South Wales Echo
      • Date: 29 June 1898
      • Page: Page 3
      • Citation:

        Rhondda : Serious Accident to Mr T. John

        Mr Dan Lane, proprietor of the switchback, horses and swings, and Mr Herbert, Mr Gardner, Mr Goodwin, Mr Howard, Professor Page, and Mr Brewer, who also have exhibitions on Pandy Field, devoted Tuesday's takings to the Mid-Rhondda Relief Fund. The Relief Committee were told to make as much as they possibly could. School children sold penny tickets, and admission to the different entertainments was by ticket. Never had such a number of children been seen together in Mid-Rhondda. It is expected that from £80 to £100 will be realised. Willing workers were found in a large number of the Workmen's Committee and the head teachers and staffs of the Mid-Rhondda schools, the School Board having granted a half-holiday for the occasion. An unfortunate accident befel Mr Tom John, so well-known as the member of the executive of the N.U.T. In trying to avert the fall of two little children he was struck by a rotating car, and received a severe cut on the forehead, necessitating nine stitches. Mr John, however, was able to walk with his friends to the surgery of Dr. Williams, who attended to him. He is progressing favourably. The day was the anniversary of his birthday. He had taken a most prominent part in the Mid-Rhondda Relief Committee proceedings, and the most cordial sympathy is felt with him. Aldernam Richard Lewis gave 1,000 tickets for distribution and Councillor D. W. Davies a similar number to destitute children to enable them to participate in the enjoyment, and most of the business men distributed some as well.

  2. South Wales Daily News
      • Date: 1 July 1898
      • Page: Page 3
      • Citation:


        Mr Tom John, of Llwynypia, is recovering as well as can be expected after his nasty accident on his birthday anniversary. The Ystradyfodwg School Board (writes a correspondant) are a fine, sensible body of men to work under. At their School Management Committee they passed a resolution expressing "regret at the accident which befel Mr Tom John while attempting to save a child from what might have been a fatal fall, and deeply sympathised with him in his misfortune, which will cause him to be abset for some time from duty; we recommend that his absence from school be permitted and approved by the School Board." If Schools Boards generally treated their teachers with the same sympathy and urbanity as the Ystrad School Board, the teachers would be a happy body of people, and happy teachers mean a happy school.

  3. Glamorgan Free Press
      • Date: 13 August 1898
      • Page: Page 6
      • Citation:

        The Recent Accident to Mr Tom John.



        Mr Tom John has received many expressions of sympathy since the accident whith befell him whilst rescuing two little girls from a very perilous position, but perhaps not one of those messages has touched him more deeply than that which he received from two former pupils who now earn their living in distant Canada. The young men referred to are Daniel Thomas and Douglas Lewis, whose names are very familiar throughout Mid-Rhondda, and their letter to Mr John is as follows:

        "Carmore, Alberta, N.W.T., Canada, July 19th, 1898.

        Dear Sir, - Having understood through the medium of the "Glamorgan Free Press" of the serious accident which occured to you while doing duty to the coming generation, we trust that you have fully recovered.

        We are,
        Your schoolboys,
        Daniel Thomas.
        Douglas Lewis.
        from Tonypandy and Llwynypia, fitters.