JOHN, Tom, M.A., J.P. (Glam., 1914), retired Schoolmaster; b. Trecynon, Aberdare, June 28, 1849; s. Dafydd John, Ebenezer, Aberdare; ed. Ysgoldy Comin, Aberdare, Dr. Evan Davies' College, Swansea 1862-63, and Borough Road, London, 1869-1870; degree: M.A., Honoris Causa, Wales; m. Margaret Lewis, 1873, and Diana Lewis (her sister), 1910; two dau. survive, M. J. John, Domestic Arts Teacher, Mon., and Madeline John, Inspector Ministry of Health. Member N.U.T. and Executive; President, 1905, Llandudno Conference; Member Executive C.W.B. from its inception, oldest existing member of same; Member Welsh University Court, Treasurer 1918 and 1919; Councillor Cardiff University College; Governor Porth County School; Member National Council of Music for Wales. W.A. Military Representative throughout. Rel. Congregationalist; Pol. Advanced Radical, but Constitutional; F.M. Merlin Lodge, not active lately. Recr. Music, Eisteddfodau, Cricket; Tennis and Golf after 60 years of age. Address: Caegwyn, Penygraig. Club: National Liberal.