
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lloyd. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Lloyd   before 1891 Mary  
Albert Lloyd 1883   Richard Lloyd Jane Emma James
Arthur Lloyd 1881   Richard Lloyd Jane Emma James
Clee A Lloyd about 1902   James Clee Lloyd Mabel DeEtta Hoagland
Clyde R Lloyd about 1902   James Clee Lloyd Mabel DeEtta Hoagland
David Lloyd about 1881 Elizabeth Thomas  
Elizabeth A Lloyd 1885   Richard Lloyd Jane Emma James
Fred Richard Lloyd 1 November 1900 7 December 1985 Pauline Hiegel James Clee Lloyd Mabel DeEtta Hoagland
Ida Marie Lloyd about 1904   James Clee Lloyd Mabel DeEtta Hoagland
Ilif H Lloyd about 1906   James Clee Lloyd Mabel DeEtta Hoagland
Islwyn Lloyd between January 1909 and March 1909   David Lloyd Elizabeth Thomas
James Clee Lloyd 28 November 1875 5 April 1967 Mabel DeEtta Hoagland Richard Lloyd Jane Emma James
Mary Ann Lloyd about 1844 Howells Lloyd Mary
Richard Lloyd 17 January 1847 20 February 1922 Jane Emma James  
Robert Fred Lloyd 1926 25 July 1942   Fred Richard Lloyd Pauline Hiegel
Rosa Lee Lloyd about 1938 Fred Richard Lloyd Pauline Hiegel