
Date 20 March 1939
Place Cheltenham Cemetery, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England
Description John R Dimond

Source References

  1. Cheltenham Chronicle
      • Date: 25 March 1939
      • Page: Page 9
      • Citation:

        MR. J. R. DIMOND
        Funeral Service At Christ Church

        Eight of his fellow employees at Aircraft Components Ltd. were bearers at the funeral on Monday of Mr. John R. Dimond, of Malvern View, Alstone Croft, who died at the age of 18 yeasr after only a short illness.

        Mr. Dimond had been a chorister and soloist for some years at Christ Church, and preceding the interment at the Cheltenham Cemetery, a fully choral service was held. The Vicar, the Rev. Lindsay J. Coursey, assisted by the Rev. C. T. Peers, officiated.

        The family mourners were: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dimond (parents), Mr. A. R. Dimond (brother), Mrs. A. J. Blandford and Mrs. E. Parker (aunts), Mr. George Lear and Mr. C. J. Bramley (cousins), Mr. Preece, Mr. and Miss Simmonds, Miss Hodgson, and Mr. and Mrs. Newman.

        Aircraft Components Ltd. were represented by Capt. Blackburn (secretary), Mr. Edmunds (representing the staff) and Mr. Freemantle (representing the works).

      • To Do:

        Unidentified family mourners:

        Mrs. A. J. Blandford (aunt)
        Mr. George Lear and Mr. C. J. Bramley (cousins)
        Mr. Preece
        Mr. and Miss Simmonds
        Miss Hodgson
        Mr. and Mrs. Newman