
Date 21 January 1910
Place Aberdare Cemetery, Aberdare, Glamorgan, Wales
Description Mary Thomas née Griffiths (not in the cemetery's records)


Family still to be identified:

Rev. H. Griffiths, Maesteg; possibly brother?
William Thomas, and Jane and Mary Griffiths, all of Llwynypia; Mrs. Lewis Jones, Mrs. T. Thomas, Mrs. E. Hughes; Mr. and Mrs. John Griffiths, Bernant; Mrs. Davies, and Mrs. T. J. Davies, nephews and nieces

Source References

  1. Aberdare Leader
      • Date: 5 February 1910
      • Page: Page 5
      • Citation:


        INTERMENT - On Friday, the 21st inst., the remains of Mrs. Mary Thomas, Rose Villa, were interred at the Aberdare Public Cemetery. Deceased, who was 61 years of age, passed away at her sister's residence in Talgarth. She was a faithful member of Soar Church, Cwmaman. The, Rev. W. D. Morris officiated at the funeral.

        The following were the mourners:- 1st coach: Mrs. Jane Edwards and. Mrs. Elizabeth Lloyd, daughters: John, David, Morgan, and Thos. Thomas, sons; Ivor Clayton Thomas and John Haydn Edwards, grand-children. 2nd coach: Rev. H. Griffiths, Maesteg; Messrs. John Griffiths, Llwynypia, and Richard Steadman Griffiths, brothers; Mrs. Jane Davies, sister; Mrs. J. S. Thomas, Teify Villa, and Mrs. Thomas Thomas, daughters-in-law; Miss Minnie Thomas, grandchild. 3rd coach: Mrs. R. S. Griffiths, Florida Villa; Mrs. J. Griffiths, Llwynypia, sisters-in-law; Mr. Evan Davies, brother-in-law; Mr Wm. Edwards and David Lloyd, sons-in-law; Rev. W. D. Morris. 4th coach: Cassie and Lizzie Griffiths, William Thomas, and John Griffiths, Jane and Mary Griffiths, all of Llwynypia, nephews and nieces. 5th coach: Mrs. Lewis Jones, Mrs. T. Thomas, Mrs. Lodwig Rees, Mrs. E. Hughes, and Mrs. Chedzroy, nieces; Steadman Davies, nephew. 6th coach: Mr. and Mrs. W. Edwards, Aman-street; Mrs. Garbett, Crynant; Mr. and Mrs. John Griffiths, Bernant, nephews and nieces; Thomas Thomas, brother-in-law. 7th coach: Sergeant Davies, Talgarth; Stephen John Griffiths, Evan Steadman Griffiths, Mrs. Davies, and Mrs. T. J. Davies, nephews and nieces. 8th coach: Mrs. Chedzroy, Mrs. David George, Mrs. John Rees, Llanwonno-road, neighbours.

        Two beautiful wreaths had been received, one from the children and the other from the "Merched y De" Society [women's temperance movement], of which deceased was a member. The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Mr. F. D. E. George, Aberdare.