Parish Registers - Norfolk



  1. Baptism - John Betts (Corpusty)
    1. Labourer
    2. Richard Betts
    3. Baptism, John Betts
    4. Birth, John Betts
    5. Residence, John Betts
    6. Martha Strike
    7. John Betts
  2. Marriage - Jeremiah Betts / Mary Kinnesley (Corpusty)
    1. Marriage, Family of Jeremiah Betts and Mary Kinnesley
    2. Residence, Jeremiah Betts
    3. Residence, Mary Kinnesley
    4. Jeremiah Betts
    5. Mary Kinnesley
  3. Marriage - James Smith / Mary Baker (Hindolveston)
    1. Mary Baker
    2. Residence, Mary Baker
    3. James Smith
    4. Marriage, Family of James Smith and Mary Baker
    5. Residence, James Smith
  4. Baptism - John Smith (Hellesdon)
    1. Residence, John Smith
    2. James Smith
    3. Vol 4b Page 77
    4. Leah Betts
    5. John Smith
    6. Labourer
    7. Baptism, John Smith
  5. Baptism - Richard Betts (Corpusty)
    1. Residence, Richard Betts
    2. Vol 13 Page 11
    3. Baptism, Richard Betts
    4. Richard Betts
  6. Baptism - George Smith (Corpusty)
    1. Labourer
    2. James Smith
    3. George Smith
    4. Vol 13 Page 17
    5. Leah Betts
    6. Baptism, George Smith
    7. Residence, George Smith
  7. Baptism - Arthur Smith (Hellesdon)
    1. Residence, Arthur Smith
    2. Arthur Smith
    3. James Smith
    4. Baptism, Arthur Smith
    5. Leah Betts
    6. Vol 4b Page 93
    7. Labourer
  8. Baptism - Leah Betts (Corpusty)
    1. Birth, Leah Betts
    2. Richard Betts
    3. Leah Betts
    4. Martha Strike
    5. Labourer
    6. Residence, Martha Strike
    7. Baptism, Leah Betts
  9. Baptism - Lydia Smith (Guestwick)
    1. Residence, Lydia Smith
    2. Baptism, Lydia Smith
    3. Birth, Lydia Smith
    4. Labourer
    5. James Smith
    6. Lydia Smith
    7. Mary Baker
  10. Baptism - Leah Betts (Corpusty)
    1. Labourer
    2. Richard Betts
    3. Leah Betts
    4. Martha Strike
    5. Baptism, Leah Betts
    6. Residence, Leah Betts
    7. Birth, Leah Betts
  11. Baptism - James Betts (Edgefield)
    1. Mary Kinnesley
    2. Baptised privately
    3. Birth, James Betts
    4. Jeremiah Betts
    5. James Betts
  12. Baptism - Walter Smith (Hellesdon)
    1. Residence, Walter Smith
    2. Walter Smith
    3. James Smith
    4. Leah Betts
    5. Labourer
    6. Baptism, Walter Smith
    7. Vol 4b Page 89
  13. Baptism - Sarah Anne Betts (Corpusty)
    1. Baptism, Sarah Anne Betts
    2. Birth, Sarah Anne Betts
    3. Richard Betts
    4. Martha Strike
    5. Sarah Anne Betts
    6. Residence, Sarah Anne Betts
    7. Labourer
  14. Baptism - Robert Betts (Corpusty)
    1. Richard Betts
    2. Birth, Robert Betts
    3. Robert Betts
    4. Residence, Robert Betts
    5. Martha Strike
    6. Labourer
    7. Baptism, Robert Betts
  15. Baptism - James George Smith (Corpusty)
    1. Labourer
    2. Residence, James George Smith
    3. Baptism, James George Smith
    4. James Smith
    5. Leah Betts
    6. Vol 13 Page 15
    7. James George Smith
  16. Marriage - James Riddy / Eliza Smith (Norwich)
    1. James Riddy
    2. Residence, James Riddy
    3. James Smith
    4. Residence, Eliza Smith
    5. Labourer
    6. Eliza Smith
    7. Vol 13 Page 401
    8. Labourer
  17. Marriage - Richard Betts / Martha Strike (Corpusty)
    1. Richard Betts
    2. Marriage, Family of Richard Betts and Martha Strike
    3. Martha Strike
    4. Residence, Martha Strike
    5. Residence, Richard Betts
  18. Baptism - Eliza Smith (Guestwick)
    1. Labourer
    2. Residence, Eliza Smith
    3. James Smith
    4. Eliza Smith
    5. Birth, Eliza Smith
    6. Mary Baker
    7. Baptism, Eliza Smith
  19. Baptism - Eliza Smith (Hellesdon)
    1. Labourer
    2. James Smith
    3. Leah Betts
    4. Residence, Eliza Smith
    5. Vol 4b Page 94
    6. Eliza Smith
    7. Baptism, Eliza Smith
  20. Baptism - Amelia Smith (Hellesdon)
    1. Labourer
    2. James Smith
    3. Vol 4b Page 104
    4. Leah Betts
    5. Baptism, Amelia Smith
    6. Amelia Smith
    7. Residence, Amelia Smith
  21. Marriage - Joseph Parker / Harriet Smith (Booton)
    1. Labourer
    2. Residence, Harriet Smith
    3. John Parker
    4. James Smith
    5. Steward
    6. Vol 4b Page 233
    7. Harriet Smith
    8. Joseph Parker
    9. Steward
    10. Residence, Joseph Parker
  22. Baptism - Richard Betts (Edgefield)
    1. Richard Betts
    2. Received into the Church
    3. Birth, Richard Betts
    4. Baptised privately
    5. Jeremiah Betts
    6. Mary Kinnesley
  23. Baptism - Mary Anne Smith (Hellesdon)
    1. Baptism, Mary Ann Smith
    2. Vol 4b Page 94
    3. Residence, Mary Ann Smith
    4. James Smith
    5. Leah Betts
    6. Labourer
    7. Mary Ann Smith
  24. Baptism - Joseph Smith (Hellesdon)
    1. Labourer
    2. James Smith
    3. Residence, Joseph Smith
    4. Leah Betts
    5. Baptism, Joseph Smith
    6. Joseph Smith
    7. Vol 4b Page 97