Robert Heath 1a 2 3a 4a 5a 6a

Birth Name Robert Heath
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father William Heathabout 1833between January 1922 and March 1922
Mother Sarah Harrisabout 1836between January 1917 and March 1917
    Sister     Mary Ann Harris between April 1858 and June 1858
    Brother     John Heath about 1861 before 1921
    Sister     Elizabeth Grace Heath between October 1863 and December 1863
    Sister     Annie Heath between October 1865 and December 1865
    Brother     William Heath between July 1867 and September 1867
    Sister     Sarah Heath between July 1869 and September 1869
         Robert Heath 18 March 1871
    Sister     Thirza Heath about March 1873 about April 1873
    Sister     Sophia Heath between July 1874 and September 1874
    Brother     Alfred Heath about 1877