Edith Rogers 1a 2 3a 4a 5 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 10b 11a

Birth Name Edith Rogers
Gender female
Age at Death between 41 years, 7 months, 8 days and 41 years, 10 months, 7 days


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Samuel Rogers13 June 184711 September 1928
Mother Margaret Morgan4 February 18533 April 1929
    Sister     Margaret Jane Rogers between July 1875 and September 1875
    Sister     Mary Ann Rogers 24 September 1876 12 March 1947
    Brother     John Rogers between April 1878 and June 1878 5 January 1882
    Brother     William Rogers between July 1880 and September 1880 24 March 1881
    Sister     Gwenllian Rogers between July 1882 and September 1882 about April 1883
         Edith Rogers between October 1883 and December 1883 8 August 1925
    Brother     John Rogers 29 October 1885
    Brother     Thomas Rogers between January 1888 and March 1888
    Sister     Amelia Rogers between July 1890 and September 1890 1922
    Brother     William Stanley Rogers 2 February 1893
    Sister     Ethel Maud Rogers between July 1894 and September 1894 21 September 1895
    Sister     Gwladys May Rogers between January 1897 and March 1897 9 August 1897


Family of John Steadman Griffiths and Edith Rogers

Married Husband John Steadman Griffiths ( * 13 April 1875 + 10 May 1954 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 24 April 1905 Ystrad Congregational Chapel, Ton Pentre, Ystradyfodwg, Glamorgan, Wales Vol 11a Page 1031 1a 14 3a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Muriel Steadman Griffiths29 October 19099 January 1941


Type Value Notes Sources
WikiTree Rogers-32332
FamilySearch KGK2-WG3
DNA Verified More information

Source References

  1. 1911 United Kingdom Census
  2. Maiden name on child's birth index record
  3. Certificate on file
      • Date: 24 April 1905
      • Page: Marriage - John Griffiths / Edith Rogers
  4. Burial Register - Trealaw Cemetery
      • Page: Plot S457
  5. General Register Office: England & Wales Birth Index
  6. 1901 United Kingdom Census
  7. Notice of Interment - Trealaw Cemetery
      • Date: 8 August 1925
      • Page: Edith Griffiths
  8. Western Mail
      • Date: 11 August 1925
      • Page: Page 1
      • Citation:


        GRIFFITHS. - On August 8th, at 23, Sherwood, Llwynypia, Edith dearly-beloved wife of John Griffiths. Funeral Thursday at 2.30 p.m. for Trealaw Cemetery; Gentlemen only

  9. 1921 United Kingdom Census
  10. Caerphilly Journal
      • Date: 1 March 1923
      • Page: Page 4
      • Citation:

        We are pleased to see Mrs. Phelps again well, but we are sorry that her sister Mrs John Griffiths, Sherwood, is ill and at present away in a Nursing Home. We wish her a speedy recovery.

      • Date: 26 August 1941
      • Page: Page 3
      • Citation:


        Petty Officer Marries Nurse.

        Griffiths - Griffiths.

        A very pretty wedding took place at Bodringallt Chapel on Saturday morning last, Rev. O. Morley Lewis performing the ceremony. Mr. Noel Thomas was the organist. The bridegroom was Petty Officer Kenneth Steadman Griffiths, younger son of the late Mrs. Griffiths and Mr. John Steadman Griffiths, ex-teacher, 23, Sherwood Place. The bride was Miss Gwyneth Griffiths, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffiths (smith), 28, Sherwood Place, Llwynypia. The bride was given away by her father. She was charmingly dressed in a two-piece of dusty pink, hat and shoes to tone and carried a bouquet of sweet peas and maidenhair fern. She was attended by Miss Della Millward, cousin, who wore a navy blue dress, hat and shoes to match and carried a bouquet of sweet peas. The duties of best man were discharged by Mr. Ronald Steadman Griffiths, brother of bridegroom. Two brothers of the bride in the Services failed to attend. After the ceremony a grand reception was held at the home of the bride's parents and many attended. Numerous presents were given the happy young pair. Both young people belong to families highly respected in our district. Ken was a chemist at Eastbourne while the bride was in the nursing profession. A brief honeymoon and both return to duty. Prioddas dda! Ken a Gwyneth.

  11. 1891 United Kingdom Census
  12. General Register Office: England & Wales Death Index
  13. Thomas Preece: Gravestone photographs
      • Date: 22 June 2018
      • Page: John, Edith & Muriel Griffiths, Trealaw Cemetery
  14. General Register Office: England & Wales Marriage Index