This page contains an index of all the surnames in the database. Selecting a link will lead to a list of individuals in the database with this same surname.

Letter Surname Number of People
  <absent> 196
? ??? 3
A Aaron 2
  Abbott 2
  Adams 14
  Adey 3
  Adkins 2
  Alce 9
  Alden 1
  Alexander 1
  Alford 8
  Allchurch 1
  Allcock 1
  Allen 5
  Allsop 4
  Amos 4
  Amy 1
  Andrews 10
  Anslow 17
  Anstis 27
  Anstiss 2
  Appleby 1
  Arblaster 1
  Archer 3
  Armitage 2
  Armstrong 1
  Ash 3
  Ashmore 1
  Ashton 1
  Aston 1
  Atkinson 2
  Attfield 1
  Augar 1
  Austin 2
  Avent 1
  Axworthy 1
B Baddeley 3
  Bagley 1
  Bailey 10
  Baker 20
  Baldwin 1
  Ball 3
  Ballance 4
  Bally 8
  Bamberry 1
  Banks 2
  Bardons 1
  Barge 2
  Barnes 30
  Barons 1
  Barratt 11
  Bartholomew 1
  Bartlett 13
  Baskerville 2
  Batstone 1
  Batty 6
  Bawden 1
  Baxter 15
  Beal 1
  Beard 1
  Beck 7
  Bedford 1
  Beer 22
  Beevor 2
  Bennett 9
  Benning 3
  Bennion 1
  Benton 1
  Berry 3
  Berryman 1
  Best 12
  Betts 10
  Bevan 5
  Bevil 9
  Beynon 4
  Bickford 49
  Bickley 3
  Billins 1
  Bills 1
  Bindon 1
  Bingham 4
  Birch 1
  Bird 1
  Birks 5
  Birtley 1
  Bishop 2
  Black 5
  Blackledge 2
  Blackler 2
  Bladen 1
  Blank 1
  Blatchford 14
  Blean 1
  Blight 11
  Blower 2
  Board 1
  Bodey 2
  Bodley 1
  Bolt 55
  Boncourt 2
  Bond 1
  Bonte 9
  Boon 13
  Boone 8
  Booth 1
  Boothey 1
  Botterell 2
  Bowden 1
  Bowen 2
  Bowman 1
  Boyington 5
  Boyle 2
  Brabandt 1
  Bracher 4
  Bracken 4
  Bradbury 1
  Bragg 1
  Bramley 2
  Brass 5
  Brewe 1
  Brewer 2
  Briché 3
  Bridgeman 1
  Bridgman 4
  Brimblecombe 2
  Broadbent 1
  Broadribb 2
  Brokenshire 5
  Brooke 1
  Brooking 1
  Brooks 1
  Brown 7
  Browne 1
  Bryan 5
  Bryant 33
  Buck 3
  Buckingham 2
  Budd 20
  Bull 1
  Bulley 1
  Bullock 8
  Bunker 1
  Bunting 1
  Burgess 2
  Burneberrie 2
  Burnell 2
  Burner 7
  Burnett 2
  Burns 11
  Busby 4
  Bushnell 1
  Butcher 3
  Butchers 9
  Butland 1
  Butler 7
  Butt 1
  Butterworth 1
  Bynam 6
  Byrne 5
C Caby 2
  Caldwell 2
  Callewaert 3
  Callway 4
  Camby 1
  Came 1
  Cameron 1
  Cane 2
  Carey 4
  Carlick 1
  Carr 1
  Carroll 1
  Carter 1
  Caryl 2
  Caseley 3
  Casely 13
  Casey 1
  Casley 1
  Cassell 2
  Caulfield 1
  Chabot 1
  Chaffe 1
  Chamberlain 1
  Champouillon 1
  Channing 6
  Chapman 6
  Chappell 12
  Chave 2
  Chedzoy 4
  Chemin 1
  Cheshire 1
  Chidell 1
  Chidley 7
  Chinchen 1
  Chipman 2
  Chittock 7
  Chrisjensen 1
  Christmas 1
  Chubb 33
  Clare 1
  Clarisse 2
  Clark 2
  Clarke 2
  Clay 1
  Clegg 17
  Cleggett 1
  Cliffe 1
  Clifford 2
  Cloud 2
  Coaker 13
  Cochrane 12
  Codd 10
  Coe 2
  Coker 4
  Colbert 1
  Cole 9
  Coles 3
  Collier 12
  Collings 2
  Collins 2
  Colliver 1
  Colton 10
  Comings 1
  Condon 2
  Conneybear 1
  Connolly 1
  Cooke 2
  Cooling 1
  Coombe 6
  Coombes 4
  Cooper 3
  Cope 7
  Coplestone 7
  Copley 2
  Corbett 112
  Cornish 2
  Corp 5
  Cose 1
  Cottle 1
  Cowburn 47
  Coxon 1
  Cozens 3
  Crabb 2
  Crabbe 2
  Craddock 1
  Cranch 16
  Crandall 6
  Creber 7
  Crees 14
  Cridland 7
  Crocker 18
  Crook 3
  Cross 2
  Crossing 41
  Crossley 1
  Croxall 2
  Crump 1
  Cullen 1
  Cuming 4
  Cumming 1
D D'Halluin 1
  Dace 2
  Dakin 1
  Dalton 2
  Damarell 1
  Damerel 3
  Dangerfield 2
  Daniel 2
  Dann 2
  Darby 9
  Dare 8
  Darrall 2
  Dash 2
  Davey 2
  David 1
  Davidge 4
  Davies 84
  Davis 15
  Davy 1
  Daw 1
  Dawson 2
  Deacon 49
  Deakin 26
  Dee 1
  Deighton 2
  Delamarre 1
  Delaney 4
  Delfortrie 1
  Denbow 3
  Denman 1
  Dennis 1
  Denniss 2
  Desplanque 2
  Devillers 2
  Devine 1
  Dewitte 1
  Dicker 1
  Dickson 2
  Dimond 38
  Dingle 14
  Disher 1
  Dobson 2
  Dodd 6
  Dodderidge 19
  Dodgshun 1
  Dogherty 2
  Doidge 2
  Donaldson 1
  Donnelly 1
  Dorman 1
  Dorsett 41
  Dowdle 1
  Downing 5
  Downton 1
  Drain 1
  Draper 1
  Drury 1
  Dubrulle 1
  Duchêne 3
  Duerden 1
  Dugdale 1
  Duggan 3
  Dumbell 1
  Dunn 4
  Dureux 2
  Durrant 1
  Duvinage 2
  Dyer 8
E Earle 6
  Earley 16
  Easterbrook 1
  Eastham 1
  Eastley 6
  Eccleston 9
  Edbrooke 1
  Eden 11
  Edevane 1
  Edgar 1
  Edgcombe 2
  Edmund 1
  Edmunds 9
  Edwards 18
  Efford 1
  Eldridge 1
  Ellery 1
  Ellett 7
  Elliot 1
  Elliott 4
  Ellis 10
  Ellison 1
  Elston 1
  Endicott 1
  England 1
  Erith 1
  Essery 1
  Evans 85
  Ewers 2
  Exon 2
F Facon 1
  Fahey 1
  Fanshawe 3
  Farleigh 1
  Farley 1
  Fellows 1
  Fenton 1
  Ferguson 2
  Ferrari 1
  Ferris 17
  Field 11
  Finch 1
  Fisk 2
  Fitze 2
  Fitzpatrick 2
  Fletcher 9
  Fleury 1
  Foal 12
  Foale 1
  Follett 2
  Foote 1
  Forbes 5
  Ford 15
  Foreman 2
  Fortune 1
  Foss 36
  Foster 1
  Fouque 1
  Fox 40
  Francis 2
  Franks 11
  French 2
  Frend 1
  Friend 9
  Frobisher 1
  Frost 19
  Fryer 7
  Furneaux 2
  Furzland 2
G Gadsby 4
  Gallagher 2
  Galvin 1
  Gamblin 2
  Garbett 5
  Gardner 5
  Gargol 1
  Garth 2
  Gay 1
  Gear 2
  George 7
  Gibbons 1
  Gibbs 2
  Giles 8
  Gillies 3
  Gittings 2
  Glanvill 8
  Gledhill 8
  Glover 2
  Goad 2
  Gooding 11
  Goodricke 1
  Goods 2
  Gough 5
  Grace 3
  Graham 6
  Grandhomme 1
  Grant 18
  Gray 5
  Greaves 1
  Green 13
  Greenslade 1
  Greentree 3
  Greenway 1
  Greenwood 1
  Gregory 1
  Gribble 1
  Griep 2
  Griffith 1
  Griffiths 87
  Grosvenor 1
  Groves 2
  Guest 1
  Gullet 2
  Gulley 24
  Gunningham 2
  Guy 7
H Hackworthy 2
  Haddy 3
  Hadley 1
  Haes 1
  Halford 1
  Hall 6
  Halse 10
  Halyood 1
  Hambling 16
  Hammett 1
  Hammond 1
  Hancock 1
  Handford 2
  Hanks 3
  Hannaford 148
  Hannigan 1
  Hardillier 2
  Hardiman 1
  Harding 32
  Hargraves 1
  Harley 2
  Harman 1
  Harper 1
  Harrad 1
  Harries 3
  Harris 45
  Harrison 3
  Harrold 2
  Hart 1
  Hartshorn 6
  Harvey 23
  Harvy 1
  Hassall 1
  Hatherley 1
  Hawes 9
  Hawkes 3
  Hawkins 9
  Haycock 1
  Hayman 2
  Haynes 2
  Haywood 2
  Hazlitt 3
  Hazlitt-Black 1
  Heard 3
  Heath 85
  Hedgeland 2
  Hedgman 10
  Helems 8
  Helmore 1
  Henderson 2
  Henley 1
  Henry 1
  Herbert 13
  Herd 9
  Hewitt 1
  Hext 3
  Hickman 7
  Hicks 1
  Higgs 2
  Hilborne 1
  Hill 15
  Hillman 1
  Hindle 6
  Hinds 1
  Hine 2
  Hinett 7
  Hinnem 11
  Hoare 1
  Hodge 4
  Hodgekins 1
  Hodges 2
  Hodgkins 2
  Hodgson 1
  Hodkinson 1
  Hodson 1
  Holdsworth 28
  Holland 3
  Hollett 1
  Holloway 12
  Hollowood 1
  Holmes 3
  Holt 2
  Hood 1
  Hooks 8
  Hooper 3
  Hopkinson 2
  Horswill 33
  Horton 15
  Hosking 31
  Howard 10
  Howarth 3
  Howell 10
  Howells 3
  Howes 15
  Hudson 16
  Hughes 1
  Humphreys 2
  Hunt 8
  Hurrel 1
  Hurrell 6
  Hurse 1
  Hurson 1
  Hutchings 4
  Huxham 8
  Hyne 1
I Ibbett 5
  Ibbott 7
  Ick 2
  Irish 4
  Irons 1
J Jackman 15
  Jackson 1
  James 77
  Jarlett 1
  Jarvis 2
  Jeans 6
  Jefferies 1
  Jefford 1
  Jeffreys 13
  Jenkins 4
  Jenks 1
  Jenkyn 1
  Jenness 1
  Jerram 1
  John 35
  Johns 2
  Johnson 11
  Johnstone 15
  Jolly 12
  Jonas 3
  Jones 89
  Jordan 1
K Karley 2
  Keast 6
  Keeling 1
  Kelly 4
  Kemp 6
  Kendall 5
  Kennedy 21
  Kent 1
  Kerly 1
  Kern 2
  Kerswell 166
  Kettle 1
  Key 32
  Kidson 1
  Killick 2
  Kilpatrick 1
  King 12
  Kingdom 2
  Kingwell 1
  Kinnesley 1
  Knapman 4
  Knight 2
  Knott 1
  Knowles 1
  Koyle 1
L Labbe 1
  Lacy 1
  Ladd 2
  Lake 12
  Lakeman 10
  Lamrock 1
  Lane 115
  Lang 15
  Langdon 6
  Langlois 3
  Langridge 2
  Langworthy 1
  Large 1
  Larkin 7
  Last 2
  Latham 2
  Lavers 4
  Lawson 3
  Le Vasseur 1
  Lear 21
  Lee 14
  Leech 2
  Leeming 1
  Legg 3
  Lenard 1
  Lenclud 1
  Lendon 2
  Leonard 3
  Leroy 5
  Lesley 2
  Lethbridge 10
  Letheren 9
  Levermore 3
  Lévesque 1
  Lewin 1
  Lewis 124
  Light 6
  Lillecrapp 3
  Linn 1
  Linnard 1
  Lipscombe 1
  Little 4
  Livesey 34
  Lloyd 4
  Lobb 1
  Lock 15
  Lockett 11
  Lockley 9
  Long 7
  Lonneux 1
  Lonnon 6
  Lovatt 3
  Lowe 2
  Luckraft 1
  Ludlow 1
  Lugar 1
  Luggar 1
  Luke 1
  Luscombe 97
  Lykke 2
  Lyndon 55
M MacDowell 1
  Mackintosh 1
  MacLean 1
  Maddick 13
  Maddock 9
  Maddox 1
  Maidment 3
  Malcolm 1
  Male 2
  Malkin 1
  Manning 1
  Manns 1
  Manton 4
  Manuell 1
  March 1
  Marchand 21
  Margetson 1
  Markham 1
  Marklew 1
  Marsden 1
  Marshall 3
  Martin 66
  Martyn 41
  Masefield 2
  Matson 1
  Mattacott 1
  Matthews 9
  Mattox 4
  Maxfield 1
  Mayor 2
  McCandless 3
  McCann 6
  McCollough 1
  McCulloch 4
  McGrath 18
  McLean 1
  McLellan 2
  McMillan 1
  McNeil 5
  McPherson 1
  McPhie 1
  Mear 1
  Meatherall 2
  Medhurst 2
  Medland 2
  Memory 3
  Meredith 1
  Merrell 2
  Merriman 1
  Merritt 1
  Metherell 11
  Mette 2
  Michel 1
  Michelmore 1
  Micklewright 34
  Millis 3
  Millman 2
  Mills 2
  Milne 1
  Milton 6
  Mitchell 15
  Mitchelmore 13
  Mole 2
  Molineaux 1
  Montgomery 1
  Moore 10
  Morgan 56
  Morris 10
  Mors 1
  Mortimore 4
  Moseley 1
  Moses 4
  Moses Evans 3
  Mudd 1
  Mudge 19
  Mugridge 5
  Müller 2
  Mumford 11
  Murdoch 1
  Murphy 2
N Narbett 1
  Naunton 2
  Neale 9
  Neate 1
  Needs 10
  Nelson 26
  Netherton 1
  Newby 1
  Newcombe 1
  Newell 2
  Newland 1
  Newman 10
  Nicholls 29
  Nichols 1
  Nicks 141
  Nisbet 1
  Nixon 1
  Nolson 1
  Norcombe 5
  Norrish 2
  Norsworthy 1
  Northmore 1
  Nosworthy 2
  Notredame 2
  Nott 2
O O'Brien 2
  O'Dea 1
  O'Donnell 1
  O'Malley 5
  O'Shea 1
  Oldbury 1
  Oldham 8
  Oldreve 11
  Olver 4
  Onions 1
  Osborne 1
  Owen 12
P Pacaud 5
  Page 5
  Paige 6
  Palk 2
  Palmer 5
  Pappin 2
  Parish 44
  Parker 25
  Parkin 1
  Parkinson 4
  Parry 1
  Parsons 11
  Pascall 6
  Patmore 1
  Pavitt 1
  Payne 3
  Pea 5
  Pearson 7
  Pearte 1
  Peasley 7
  Peatheyjohns 2
  Pedley 1
  Pee 1
  Peek 2
  Pemberton 1
  Pengelly 1
  Penwell 1
  Penwill 1
  Pepprell 1
  Perham 20
  Périé 1
  Perkin 1
  Perkins 17
  Perring 1
  Peteau 2
  Peters 1
  Petherbridge 1
  Pettifer 1
  Phelps 1
  Philips 1
  Phillips 17
  Philp 3
  Piercy 1
  Pierson 1
  Pike 3
  Pinhey 5
  Piper 5
  Pitman 1
  Pitts 12
  Plant 7
  Platel 1
  Poat 2
  Pollard 9
  Ponsford 1
  Pool 3
  Pope 4
  Powell 4
  Pratt 4
  Preddy 1
  Preece 38
  Prees 23
  Price 4
  Priston 1
  Pritchard 1
  Prout 3
  Prowse 5
  Pudner 1
  Pugh 4
  Pulling 1
  Purdey 2
  Putt 2
Q Quiriel 3
R Radcliffe 1
  Radford 1
  Ramsden 2
  Randle 1
  Rankin 23
  Ratcliffe 2
  Ratcliffe Coom 1
  Rawlance 5
  Ray 1
  Reap 5
  Reed 1
  Rees 10
  Reeves 2
  Reid 1
  Relland 1
  Rendle 3
  Renolds 1
  Rew 6
  Reynolds 3
  Richards 8
  Richardson 3
  Ricketts 1
  Riddy 3
  Riden 3
  Rider 14
  Ridley 1
  Riley 1
  Ritchie 1
  Rix 1
  Roach 6
  Roberts 53
  Robins 1
  Robinson 2
  Roche 1
  Rodford 2
  Rodmore 16
  Rogers 278
  Roll 2
  Rooke 1
  Rose 13
  Rousseau 1
  Rowe 3
  Rowlands 2
  Rugg 2
  Rundle 9
  Russell 3
  Rust 4
  Ruth 1
  Ryder 25
S Saint 2
  Salter 3
  Sambell 1
  Sanders 4
  Sandford 1
  Sandover 2
  Sarell 1
  Sargeant 1
  Saunders 2
  Savile 30
  Schafer 1
  Schmidt 1
  Scobell 1
  Scott 11
  Searell 1
  Searle 4
  Segur 1
  Selepak 1
  Sercombe 1
  Seward 3
  Seymour 1
  Shapland 1
  Shapley 1
  Sharples 7
  Shaw 5
  Shearer 2
  Shepheard 1
  Shepherd 3
  Sheriff 17
  Sherrell 1
  Sherwin 2
  Shillabeer 1
  Shingler 22
  Shinn 2
  Shortt 1
  Shubrook 3
  Shute 25
  Sibun 4
  Sim 1
  Simmons 3
  Simons 1
  Simpson 34
  Sivers 1
  Skelley 5
  Skinner 3
  Skull 1
  Skyrme 7
  Slader 3
  Slee 2
  Sloane 2
  Smail 1
  Smale 3
  Small 27
  Smalldridge 18
  Smart 4
  Smerdon 1
  Smith 109
  Snape 3
  Snell 12
  Snow 1
  Sommer 3
  Souter 1
  Southard 41
  Southernwood 2
  Southwood 10
  Sowdon 1
  Sparke 1
  Spicer 2
  Spikesman 1
  Spriggs 1
  Sproxton 1
  Spruce 26
  Stabb 3
  Staddon 2
  Stanger 1
  Stansfeld 2
  Stanworth 1
  Starkey 3
  Steadman 9
  Stedman 3
  Steer 2
  Steere 12
  Stephen 5
  Stephens 19
  Stevens 2
  Stewart 1
  Stick 14
  Stiff 2
  Stigant 1
  Stinchcombe 2
  Stockdale 1
  Stockley 2
  Stoddard 2
  Stokes 54
  Stone 6
  Stonelake 1
  Stoneman 2
  Street 24
  Strickett 2
  Strike 1
  Strong 1
  Strutt 5
  Sturgess 3
  Such 1
  Sudlow 1
  Summers 1
  Sutton 2
  Swailes 1
  Swan 1
  Swanson 1
  Swanton 1
  Sweetland 80
  Swenson 4
  Swift 9
  Sylvester 2
  Symons 26
T Talbot 1
  Tall 4
  Tamblin 6
  Tame 4
  Tapper 2
  Tapson 6
  Tarr 8
  Tate 9
  Tattersall 9
  Taylor 23
  Tempest 1
  Tew 1
  Thacker 2
  Theral 1
  Thomas 91
  Thomason 1
  Thompson 4
  Thornhill 1
  Tidwell 1
  Tillett 2
  Timmins 1
  Tinman 3
  Titley 6
  Toleman 1
  Tomblin 2
  Tomkinson 4
  Tomlinson 15
  Toms 4
  Tonks 2
  Tooley 1
  Toope 1
  Tope 7
  Torring 2
  Torrington 3
  Towell 1
  Townsend 9
  Tracey 11
  Treeby 1
  Tremaine 1
  Tremayne 1
  Trist 5
  Trout 2
  Truman 2
  Tuck 3
  Tucker 11
  Tuckett 1
  Tullidge 1
  Turner 10
  Turtley 1
  Tyers 1
U Underhill 1
  Upton 1
V Valentine 3
  Vanston 1
  Vaughan 11
  Veale 1
  Velvin 1
  Venables 1
  Vercoe 2
  Verncombe 1
  Vicary 1
W Waddington 8
  Wadge 1
  Waël 2
  Waite 1
  Wakeham 6
  Walke 14
  Walker 3
  Warby 1
  Ward 4
  Wardley 1
  Warrell 1
  Warren 2
  Warrick 2
  Waters 17
  Watkins 2
  Watts 14
  Weakley 1
  Webb 1
  Webber 2
  Weeks 5
  Wentworth 3
  Western 1
  Westlake 1
  Weston 2
  Wheaton 1
  Whibly 1
  Whick 16
  Whiffen 2
  Whitaker 5
  Whitbread 2
  White 21
  Whitehouse 3
  Whiteway 8
  Whittle 2
  Widdicombe 5
  Wilcock 2
  Wilde 1
  Wiles 1
  Wilkins 1
  Wilkinson 3
  Williams 54
  Williamson 1
  Willis 1
  Wills 4
  Wilson 3
  Wilton 2
  Winchester 6
  Winn 1
  Winter 2
  Withipole 1
  Wood 5
  Woodhouse 1
  Woods 2
  Woolaston 1
  Wooldridge 1
  Woollard 2
  Woolridge 1
  Work 1
  Workman 2
  Worsfold 1
  Worthington 1
  Wotton 9
  Wrath 6
  Wright 7
  Wyatt 21
Y Yabsley 9
  Yardley 5
  Yardsley 1
  Yarrow 2
  Yates 9
  Young 2
Z Zahra 4