Tarian Y Gweithiwr


Title translates as "The Worker's Shield".


  1. Page 5
    1. Schoolmistress
    2. John Preece
    3. John William John
    4. Residence, John William John
    5. Residence, Mary John
    6. Mary John
    7. David John
    8. Residence, Thomas John
    9. Residence, Margaret John
    10. Vol 11a Page 348
    11. Schoolmaster
    12. Thomas John
    13. Margaret John
  2. Page 1
    1. A competition to compose a memorial anthem to David John
    2. David John
  3. Page 3
    1. John Preece
    2. John Pryce Jones
    3. Mary John
    4. Thomas Davies
    5. Margaret Irene John
    6. David Silyn Evans
    7. Evan Lewis
    8. Thomas John
    9. John William John
    10. John Moy Evans
    11. Jane Roberts
    12. Mary Barnhouse Rosser
    13. David John
    14. Margaret Jones
    15. Madeline John
    16. Plot L9/2 - David John
    17. Sarah Jones
    18. Margaret Lewis
    19. Margaret John
    20. William Jeffreys
    21. Residence, William Jeffreys
    22. Ann John
    23. Mary Adelina John
    24. Catherine Louisa Evans
    25. Henry Dodd Scott
  4. Page 2
    1. A competition to compose a memorial anthem to David John
    2. David John
  5. Page 5
    1. Catherine Roberts
    2. Arrived home from America
    3. Thomas Lewis
    4. Vol 11a Page 411
    5. John Lewis
    6. Superintendent, Cwmgarw Colliery
    7. Gwilym Lewis
    8. Birth, Catherine Roberts
    9. Plot G845
    10. Residence, Catherine Roberts
  6. Page 6
    1. Plot G604 - Margaret John née Lewis
    2. David Evans
    3. Diana Lewis
    4. Henry Dodd Scott
    5. John William John
    6. John Preece
    7. Jane Roberts
    8. ?
    9. Mary John
    10. Frederick Lewis
    11. Sina Mary David
    12. Catherine Louisa Evans
    13. Margaret Irene John
    14. Margaret Lewis
    15. Evan Lewis
    16. Thomas Edgar Lewis
    17. Thomas John
    18. Residence, Margaret Lewis
  7. Page 3
    1. A competition to compose a memorial anthem to David John
    2. David John
  8. Page 4
    1. David John
    2. Vol 11a Page 414
  9. Page 5
    1. Presentation of a testimonial to David John
    2. David John
    3. Mary John
    4. Thomas John
    5. Margaret John