National Probate Calendar

Author UK Government
Publication information


  1. Charles Mitchell Radcliffe
    1. Vol 6b Page 767
    2. Edith Helen Butcher
    3. Charles Mitchell Radcliffe
    4. Residence, Charles Mitchell Radcliffe
    5. Charles Mitchell Radcliffe
  2. Richard Blackler Rogers
    1. Farmer
    2. Richard Blackler Rogers
    3. Residence, Richard Blackler Rogers
    4. Richard Blackler Rogers
    5. Harry Rogers
    6. Vol 5b Page 332
  3. Henry Evans
    1. David Evans
    2. Residence, John David Jones
    3. Henry Evans
    4. Vol 11b Page 42
    5. Merchant
    6. Minister of the Gospel
    7. John David Jones
    8. Henry Evans
  4. Leslie Archibald Spikesman
    1. Probate, Archibald Leslie Spikesman
    2. Residence, Archibald Leslie Spikesman
    3. Archibald Leslie Spikesman
    4. Vol 5d Page 32
  5. Robert Nicks
    1. Robert Nicks
    2. Robert Nicks
    3. Residence, Robert Nicks
    4. Not found in GRO index
    5. Sarah Ann Batstone
  6. Matthew Mark Nicks
    1. Arthur Edward Philp
    2. Matthew Mark Nicks
    3. Vol 5b Page 85
    4. Louisa Kate Nicks
    5. Annie Cecil Nicks
    6. Matthew Mark Nicks
    7. James Guy
    8. Residence, Matthew Mark Nicks
  7. Edith Amelia Appleby
    1. Edith Amelia Corbett
    2. Vol 9b Page 2347
    3. Probate, Edith Amelia Corbett
    4. Residence, Edith Amelia Corbett
  8. Catherine Louisa John
    1. Vol 8c Page 313
    2. Probate, Catherine Louisa Evans
    3. Catherine Louisa Evans
    4. Residence, Catherine Louisa Evans
  9. Henry Gord Parish
    1. Vol 11a Page 298
    2. Residence, Henry Gord Parish
    3. Jane Whitting
    4. Stonemason
    5. Henry Gord Parish
    6. Probate, Jane Whitting
  10. Nutcombe Harry Rogers
    1. Probate, Nutcombe Harry Rogers
    2. Vol 5b Page 255
    3. Residence, Nutcombe Harry Rogers
    4. Nutcombe Harry Rogers
  11. Francis Nicks
    1. Residence, Ann Elizabeth Nicks
    2. Residence, William Nicks
    3. Francis Nicks
    4. Yeoman
    5. John James Glanvill
    6. Vol 5b Page 37
    7. Ann Elizabeth Nicks
    8. Francis Nicks
    9. Residence, Francis Nicks
    10. Yeoman
    11. William Nicks
  12. Herbert Stonelake
    1. Herbert Stonelake
    2. Vol 8b Page 2470
    3. Probate, Herbert Stonelake
    4. Residence, Herbert Stonelake
  13. Mark Tapper Nicks
    1. Sarah Mary Bickford Conneybear
    2. Mark Tapper Nicks
    3. Mark Tapper Nicks
    4. Residence, Mark Tapper Nicks
    5. Vol 7a Page 504
  14. William Nelson
    1. Cordwainer
    2. William Nelson
    3. William Nelson
    4. Residence, William Nelson
    5. Vol 8e Page 431
    6. Elizabeth Atkinson
  15. Albert Dimond
    1. Residence, Albert Dimond
    2. Albert Dimond
    3. Vol 6a Page 610
    4. Railway clerk
    5. Albert William Dimond
    6. Albert Dimond
  16. Henry Lane
    1. Trap Maker
    2. Henry Lane
    3. Vol 5b Page 318
    4. Residence, Henry Lane
    5. Probate, Henry Lane
  17. George Fox
    1. Vol 5b Page 196
    2. George Fox
    3. George Fox
    4. Residence, George Fox
    5. Retired Furnisher
    6. Richard John Bartlett
  18. Isaac Stokes
    1. Motor Driver
    2. Insurance Superintendent
    3. Commercial Traveller
    4. Isaac Stokes
    5. Albert Harold Such
    6. Residence, Isaac Stokes
    7. Isaac Stokes
    8. Isaac Stokes
    9. John Thomas Bull
    10. Vol 6b Page 577
  19. Richard Steadman Griffiths
    1. Vol 11a Page 788
    2. Richard Steadman Griffiths (Admin)
    3. Residence, Richard Steadman Griffiths
    4. Richard Steadman Griffiths
    5. Elizabeth George
  20. Alfred James Preece
    1. Alfred James Preece (Admin)
    2. Vol 11a Page 978
    3. Residence, Alfred James Preece
    4. Edith Jane Shapland
    5. Alfred James Preece
  21. Elizabeth Nicks
    1. Vol 5b Page 27
    2. Probate, Elizabeth Baker
    3. Yeoman
    4. Residence, John Nicks
    5. Residence, Elizabeth Baker
    6. Elizabeth Baker
    7. John Nicks
  22. David Lewis Moses Evans
    1. Vol 11a Page 487
    2. John Moy Evans
    3. Solicitor
    4. Residence, David Lewis Moses Evans
    5. David Lewis Moses Evans
    6. David Lewis Moses Evans
    7. Catherine Louisa Davies
  23. Edward Parsons
    1. Vol 8b Page 1651
    2. Edward Parsons
    3. Residence, Edward Parsons
    4. Probate, Edward Parsons
  24. Olive Irene Parsons
    1. Olive Irene Davies
    2. Residence, Olive Irene Davies
    3. Vol 28 Page 476
    4. Probate, Olive Irene Davies
  25. Arthur Victor Adey
    1. Probate, Arthur Victor Adey
    2. Vol 19 Page 952
    3. Residence, Arthur Victor Adey
    4. Arthur Victor Adey
  26. Alberta Ellen Hunt
    1. Residence, Alberta Ellen Rogers
    2. William George Furneaux Hunt
    3. Vol 7a Page 1184
    4. Retired Farmer
    5. Alberta Ellen Rogers
    6. Farmer
    7. Alberta Ellen Hunt née Rogers (Admin)
    8. Percy Furneaux Hunt
  27. Elizabeth Steadman
    1. Retired farmer
    2. Morgan Jones
    3. Vol 11b Page 84
    4. Residence, Elizabeth Jones
    5. Elizabeth Jones
    6. Morgan Jones
    7. Retired Farmer
    8. Elizabeth Steadman née Jones (Admin)
  28. John Steadman Griffiths
    1. Residence, John Steadman Griffiths
    2. John Steadman Griffiths
    3. Vol 8b Page 532
    4. John Steadman Griffiths
  29. George Lear
    1. Elizabeth Dorothy White Dimond
    2. Vol 6a Page 635
    3. Residence, George Hedgman Lear
    4. George Hedgman Lear
    5. George Lear
  30. Godfrey Parsons
    1. Mildred Narbett
    2. Godfrey Parsons (Admin)
    3. Residence, Godfrey Parsons
    4. Godfrey Parsons
    5. Vol 8b Page 593
  31. Francis Arthur Sweetland
    1. Residence, Francis Arthur Sweetland
    2. Edward Thomas Sweetland
    3. Carpenter
    4. Grocer
    5. Vol 5b Page 115
    6. George Sweetland
    7. Francis Arthur Sweetland
    8. Francis Arthur Sweetland
  32. George Deacon
    1. Not found in GRO index
    2. George Deacon (Admin with will)
    3. George Deacon
    4. Amy Woollard
    5. Potter
    6. Residence, George Deacon
    7. Residence, Amy Woollard
  33. David Lewis Evans
    1. David Lewis Moses Evans
    2. Vol 11a Page 522
    3. David Lewis Moses Evans
    4. Mary Havard Price
    5. Residence, David Lewis Moses Evans
  34. Ethel Mary Rogers
    1. Ethel Mary Rogers
    2. Residence, Ethel Mary Rogers
    3. Vol 7a Page 672
    4. Probate, Ethel Mary Rogers
  35. Madeleine John
    1. Margaret Irene John
    2. Residence, Madeline John
    3. Madeline John
    4. Madeleine John (Admin)
    5. Vol 11a Page 518
  36. William Griffiths
    1. Sarah
    2. Not found in GRO index
    3. William Griffiths (Admin with will)
    4. Residence, William Griffiths
    5. William Griffiths
  37. Sophia Ann James Skyrme
    1. Nancy Emily Skyrme
    2. Phyllis Myrtilla Skyrme
    3. Sophia Ann James Skyrme née Pea
    4. Residence, Sophia Ann James Pea
    5. Sophia Ann James Pea
    6. Vol 6d Page 299
  38. Frederick William Dimond
    1. Probate, Frederick William Dimond
    2. Vol 7b Page 311
    3. Frederick William Dimond
    4. Residence, Frederick William Dimond
  39. John Lane
    1. Residence, John Lane
    2. Baker
    3. Vol 5b Page 138
    4. Residence, Charlotte Sheriff
    5. Charlotte Sheriff
    6. John Lane
    7. John Lane
  40. George Hudson
    1. Commercial traveller
    2. Amelia Stokes
    3. Joiner
    4. Frank Hudson
    5. George Herbert Hudson
    6. George Hudson
    7. Vol 6b Page 731
    8. George Hudson
    9. Residence, George Hudson
  41. Amelia Jane Rogers
    1. Charles Jones Rogers
    2. Residence, Amelia Jane Deighton
    3. Vol 5b Page 125
    4. Amelia Jane Rogers née Deighton
    5. Amelia Jane Deighton
  42. Agnes Horswill Foss
    1. Vol 5b Page 237
    2. Agnes Horswill Foss
    3. Farmer
    4. Residence, Agnes Horswill Foss
    5. Peter Richard Foss
    6. Agnes Horswill Foss
  43. William George Rogers
    1. Residence, William George Rogers
    2. Evelyn Mabel Sherrell
    3. William George Rogers
    4. Vol 7a Page 817
    5. William George Rogers
  44. John Lawrence Rogers
    1. John Lawrence Rogers
    2. Vol 5b Page 382
    3. Residence, John Lawrence Rogers
    4. John Lawrence Rogers (Admin)
  45. George Rogers
    1. George Rogers
    2. George Rogers
    3. Residence, George Rogers
    4. Vol 7a Page 519
  46. John Southard
    1. John Southard
    2. Processor
    3. John Southard
    4. Edgar Jack Thomas Southard
    5. Vol 7a Page 367
    6. Residence, John Southard
  47. Warrie Edward Rogers
    1. Warrie Edward Rogers
    2. Residence, Warrie Edward Rogers
    3. Vol 7a Page 720
    4. Warrie Edward Rogers (Admin)
    5. Beatrice Violet Weeks
  48. George Rogers
    1. George Rogers
    2. Residence, George Rogers
    3. Vol 5b Page 239
    4. Probate, George Rogers
  49. Maria Foss
    1. Farmer
    2. Sidney Hugh Foss
    3. Maria Foss
    4. Maria Foss
    5. Residence, Maria Foss
    6. Vol 5b Page 152
  50. Emily Eltrude Nelson
    1. Emily Eltrude Nelson
    2. Residence, Emily Eltrude Nelson
    3. Emily Eltrude Nelson
    4. Eltrude Cranch Foss
    5. Vol 5b Page 231
  51. George Searle Smale
    1. Accountant
    2. George Searle Smale
    3. Residence, George Searle Smale
    4. Leonard George Searle Smale
    5. Gertrude Ellen Nicks
    6. Vol 5b Page 103
    7. George Searle Smale
  52. Alfred Henry Dunn Dimond
    1. Probate, Alfred Henry Dunn Dimond
    2. Residence, Alfred Henry Dunn Dimond
    3. Alfred Henry Dunn Dimond
    4. Vol 20 Page 60
  53. Frederick George Taylor
    1. Ada Maria Margaret Rankin
    2. Vol 7b Page 23
    3. Haydn Rankin Taylor
    4. Frederick George Taylor
    5. Company Director
    6. Residence, Frederick George Taylor
    7. Arthur Ernest Bodey
    8. Frederick George Taylor
  54. Robert Lane
    1. Robert Lane
    2. Catherine Lane
    3. Residence, Robert Lane
    4. Vol 6b Page 319
    5. Robert Lane
    6. Cordwainer
    7. Farmer
    8. Residence, Robert Lane
    9. Robert Lane
  55. Sarah Ann Nicks
    1. Vol 5b Page 558
    2. Farmer
    3. Sarah Ann Nicks
    4. Allan Moore Nicks
    5. Sarah Ann Batstone
    6. Sarah Ann Nicks née Batstone (Admin)
  56. Elizabeth Williams
    1. Residence, Elizabeth Roberts
    2. Elizabeth Williams née Roberts
    3. Richard Roberts
    4. Miner
    5. Elizabeth Roberts
    6. Vol 11a Page 631
  57. William Burner Kerswell
    1. Residence, William Burner Kerswell
    2. Residence, Ann Caulfield
    3. Vol 5b Page 174
    4. William Burner Kerswell (Admin)
    5. Labourer
    6. Ann Caulfield
    7. William Burner Kerswell
  58. Albert William Dimond
    1. Vol 7b Page 1239
    2. Albert William Dimond
    3. Residence, Albert William Dimond
    4. Probate, Albert William Dimond
  59. William Luscombe
    1. Yeoman
    2. Vol 5b Page 129
    3. William Luscombe
    4. William Luscombe
    5. Residence, Jane Ryder
    6. Jane Ryder
    7. Residence, William Luscombe
  60. Walter Chittock
    1. Walter Chittock (Admin)
    2. Walter Chittock
    3. Fanny Frances Eugenia Howes
    4. Residence, Walter Chittock
    5. Vol 1b Page 93
  61. Jessie Luscombe
    1. Francis Garland Luscombe
    2. Farmer
    3. Jessie Harding
    4. Vol 5b Page 250
    5. Jessie Luscombe née Harding
    6. Residence, Jessie Harding
  62. William Stokes
    1. William Stokes
    2. William Stokes
    3. Residence, William Stokes
    4. County Education Officer
    5. William Stokes
    6. Vol 6b Page 521
  63. John Nicks
    1. John Nicks (Admin)
    2. Residence, Matthew Nicks
    3. Residence, John Nicks
    4. Vol 5b Page 34
    5. Farmer
    6. Farmer
    7. John Nicks
    8. Matthew Nicks
  64. Mildred Andrews Luscombe
    1. Vol 5b Page 121
    2. Residence, Clara Luscombe
    3. Mildred Andrews Luscombe née Parker
    4. Mildred Andrews Ryder
    5. Clara Luscombe
    6. Residence, Mildred Andrews Ryder
  65. William Bartholomew Rogers
    1. Residence, William Bartholomew Rogers
    2. Farmer
    3. William Bartholomew Baker Rogers
    4. Vol 5b Page 273
    5. William Bartholomew Rogers
    6. Benjamin Frederick Rogers
    7. William Bartholomew Rogers
    8. Farmer
    9. Sarah Ellen Baker
  66. Emily Elizabeth Larkin
    1. Probate, Emily Elizabeth Larkin
    2. Residence, Emily Elizabeth Larkin
    3. Vol 13 Page 613
    4. Emily Elizabeth Larkin
  67. Mary Griffiths
    1. Vol 11a Page 1287
    2. Mining Engineer
    3. Mary John
    4. Residence, Mary John
    5. Mary Griffiths née John (Admin)
    6. Thomas Griffiths
  68. Diana John
    1. Diana Lewis
    2. Diana John née Lewis
    3. Vol 8b Page 737
  69. Leonard John Green
    1. Residence, Leonard John Green
    2. Leonard John Green
    3. Leonard John Green (Admin)
    4. Clara Nellie Victoria Green
    5. Vol 7a Page 627
  70. William Henry Dowdle
    1. Residence, William Henry Dowdle
    2. Probate, William Henry Dowdle
    3. William Henry Dowdle
    4. Vol 5b Page 412
  71. Clara Nellie Victoria Green
    1. Probate, Clara Nellie Victoria Green
    2. Vol 7a Page 1552
    3. Residence, Clara Nellie Victoria Green
    4. Clara Nellie Victoria Green
  72. William Henry Nicks
    1. Probate, William Henry Nicks
    2. Residence, William Henry Nicks
    3. William Henry Nicks
    4. Vol 5b Page 100
  73. Bernard William John Dorman
    1. Bernard William John Dorman
    2. Residence, Bernard William John Dorman
    3. Probate, Bernard William John Dorman
  74. Grace Ann Searle Smale
    1. Probate, Grace Ann Alexander
    2. Residence, Grace Ann Alexander
    3. Grace Ann Alexander
    4. Vol 21 Page 999
  75. George Herbert Hudson
    1. George Herbert Hudson (Admin with will)
    2. Percy Hudson
    3. George Herbert Hudson
    4. Builder and Carpenter
    5. Emma Alden
    6. Vol 9b Page 652
    7. Residence, George Herbert Hudson
  76. Samuel Corbett
    1. Residence, Samuel Corbett
    2. Samuel Corbett
    3. Samuel Corbett
    4. Vol 6b Page 415
    5. Emma James
  77. Sarah Hickman
    1. William J Ibbott
    2. Alfred Newman
    3. Gentleman
    4. Residence, William J Ibbott
    5. Residence, Elizabeth Hickman
    6. Vol 1b Page 323
    7. Residence, Sarah Budd
    8. Death, Alfred Newman
    9. Elizabeth Hickman
    10. Sarah Budd
    11. Sarah Hickman née Budd
  78. Henrietta Julia Baxter
    1. Residence, Henrietta Julia Baxter
    2. Henrietta Julia Baxter
    3. Farmer
    4. Vol 3a Page 24
    5. Henry Phelps Baxter
    6. Henrietta Julia Baxter
  79. Rosa Maria Kerswell
    1. Rosa Maria Kerswell née Chipman
    2. Residence, Rosa Maria Chipman
    3. William Kerswell
    4. Vol 5b Page 277
    5. Rosa Maria Chipman
    6. Rosa Jane Kerswell
  80. Ellen Rogers
    1. Ellen Lethbridge
    2. Probate, Ellen Lethbridge
    3. Vol 21 Page 1356
    4. Residence, Ellen Lethbridge
  81. Charles Ellett
    1. Residence, Charles Ellett
    2. Probate, Charles Ellett
    3. Vol 5b Page 221
    4. Charles Ellett
    5. Silversmith
  82. Sidney Thomas Fryer
    1. Vol 5b Page 577
    2. Sidney Thomas Fryer (Admin)
    3. Residence, Sidney Thomas Fryer
    4. Sidney Thomas Fryer
    5. Beatrice Norris Baker
  83. Peter Slader
    1. Residence, Peter Slader
    2. Peter Slader
    3. Frederick Charles Bragg
    4. Vol 5b Page 90
    5. Fruit Merchant
    6. Eliza Sweetland
    7. Peter Slader
    8. William Thomas Slader
    9. Lilian Kate Slader
  84. Charles Waters
    1. Residence, James Waters
    2. Charles Waters
    3. Residence, Charles Waters
    4. Vol 5b Page 37
    5. Yeoman
    6. James Waters
    7. Yeoman
    8. Charles Waters
  85. Gilbert Gooding
    1. Probate, Gilbert Gooding
    2. Gilbert Gooding
    3. Residence, Gilbert Gooding
    4. Vol 24 Page 1507
  86. Mary Ann Maidment
    1. Alfred Maidment
    2. Residence, Mary Ann Rogers
    3. Mary Ann Rogers
    4. Vol 8b Page 766
    5. Mary Ann Maidment
    6. Chemist
  87. Sidney Bolt
    1. Caroline Tilley Child
    2. Sidney Bolt
    3. Residence, Sidney Bolt
    4. Sidney Bolt (Admin)
    5. Death, Sidney Bolt
  88. Charles Jones Rogers
    1. Residence, Charles Jones Rogers
    2. Woolridge
    3. Charles Jones Rogers
    4. Vol 5b Page 133
    5. Charles Jones Rogers (Admin with will)
    6. Francis Charles Deighton Rogers
    7. Butler
    8. Death, Woolridge
    9. Mason
    10. Mary Adelaide Rogers
  89. Eltrude Cranch Foss
    1. Residence, Eltrude Cranch Foss
    2. Eltrude Cranch Foss
    3. Farmer
    4. Eltrude Cranch Foss
    5. Vol 5b Page 186
    6. Peter Richard Foss
  90. Roland George Legh Jenks
    1. Vol 34 Page 759
    2. Probate, Roland George Legh Jenks
    3. Residence, Roland George Legh Jenks
    4. Roland George Legh Jenks
  91. Dora Mary Summers
    1. Dora Mary Summers née Preece
    2. Dora Mary Preece
    3. Residence, Dora Mary Preece
    4. Vol 8c Page 212
  92. Thomas Rogers
    1. Vol 5b Page 247
    2. Probate, Thomas Rogers
    3. Thomas Rogers
  93. Catherine Nicks
    1. Hannah Nicks
    2. Vol 5b Page 22
    3. John Matthew Nicks
    4. Residence, Catherine Smith
    5. John Widdicombe
    6. Catherine Smith
    7. Farmer
    8. Catherine Nicks née Smith
  94. Henry James Hill
    1. Henry James Hill (Admin)
    2. Henry James Hill
    3. Maria Lewis
    4. Residence, Henry James Hill
    5. Vol 8b Page 636
  95. Robert Lyndon
    1. Robert Lyndon
    2. Residence, Dorothy Lakeman Kerswell
    3. Residence, Robert Lyndon
    4. Robert Lyndon
    5. Dorothy Lakeman Kerswell
    6. Vol 5b Page 172
    7. Innkeeper
  96. Elizabeth Ann Edwards
    1. Residence, Elizabeth Ann Stedman Griffiths
    2. Factory worker
    3. Elizabeth Ann Stedman Edwards née Griffiths (Admin with will)
    4. William Edwards
    5. William Davies Edwards
    6. Vol 11a Page 737
    7. Elizabeth Ann Stedman Griffiths
  97. Emily Nelson
    1. Emily Foss
    2. Vol 5b Page 141
    3. Eltrude Cranch Foss
    4. Residence, Eltrude Cranch Foss
    5. Residence, Emily Foss
    6. Emily Nelson née Foss
  98. Joseph Ronald Deacon
    1. Joseph Ronald Deacon (Admin)
    2. Joseph Ronald Deacon
    3. Residence, Joseph Ronald Deacon
    4. Gladys Hilda Jones
    5. Vol 6b Page 733
  99. Samuel Hall
    1. Samuel Hall (Admin)
    2. Winifred Randle Smith Hall
    3. Vol 9b Page 25
    4. Residence, Samuel Hall
    5. Samuel Hall
  100. Margaret Steadman Neale
    1. Vol 5a Page 594
    2. Archibald Walter Neale
    3. Margaret Steadman Neale née Griffiths (Admin)
    4. Retired mechanical engineer
    5. Margaretta Steadman Griffiths
  101. Charles Browning
    1. Charles Browning
    2. Charles Browning (Admin)
    3. Theodora Gwladys Preece
    4. Residence, Charles Browning
    5. Vol 11a Page 742
  102. Thomas Jordan Mills
    1. Thomas Jordan Mills
    2. Residence, Thomas Jordan Mills
    3. Vol 21 Page 1905
    4. Probate, Thomas Jordan Mills
  103. William Budd
    1. Residence, William Budd
    2. Baker, Brewer and Beershop Keeper
    3. Probate, William Budd
    4. Vol 2b Page 321
    5. William Budd
  104. Winifred Nicks
    1. Vol 7a Page 738
    2. Probate, Winifred Bryant
    3. Ernest Francis Nicks
    4. Winifred Bryant
    5. Retired departmental stores salesman
    6. Residence, Winifred Bryant
  105. Pollie Adey
    1. Managing Director
    2. Arthur Victor Adey
    3. Pollie Adey née Corbett
    4. Pollie Corbett
    5. Vol 5c Page 320
    6. Residence, Pollie Corbett
  106. Thomas Bolt
    1. Vol 5b Page 86
    2. Residence, Thomas Bolt
    3. Thomas Bolt
    4. Residence, Caroline Bessie Bolt
    5. Caroline Bessie Bolt
    6. Thomas Bolt
  107. William Luscombe
    1. Residence, William Luscombe
    2. William Luscombe
    3. Vol 5b Page 228
    4. Probate, William Luscombe
  108. William Kerswell
    1. Farmer
    2. Vol 5b Page 170
    3. Residence, Nicholas Kerswell
    4. William Kerswell
    5. William Kerswell
    6. Farmer
    7. Nicholas Kerswell
    8. Residence, William Kerswell
  109. Elizabeth Margaret Harley Pea
    1. Elizabeth Margaret Harley Pea
    2. Residence, Elizabeth Margaret Harley Pea
    3. Phyllis Myrtilla Skyrme
    4. Elizabeth Margaret Harley Pea
    5. Vol 9d Page 367
  110. Patrick McCann
    1. Patrick McCann
    2. Vol 10b Page 389
    3. Residence, Patrick McCann
    4. Patrick McCann (Admin)
    5. Martha Smith
  111. John Mark Nisbet
    1. Vol 7c Page 678
    2. Residence, John Mark Nisbet
    3. John Mark Nisbet
    4. John Mark Nisbet
  112. Rosa Garland Rogers
    1. Vol 7a Page 793
    2. Rosa Garland Rogers née Seward (Admin)
    3. Rosa Garland Seward
    4. Residence, Rosa Garland Seward
  113. Cyril Hubert Morrish
    1. Vol 8b Page 570
    2. Residence, Hubert Cyril Morrish
    3. Hubert Cyril Morrish
    4. Cyril Hubert Morrish (Admin)
    5. Gwladys Parsons
  114. Rosa Alberta Rogers
    1. Vol 5b Page 251
    2. Farmer
    3. Arthur Torring Rogers
    4. Rosa Alberta Torring
    5. Residence, Rosa Alberta Torring
    6. Rosa Alberta Rogers née Torring
  115. John Gwyn Watts
    1. Probate, John Gwyn Watts
    2. John Gwyn Watts
    3. Residence, John Gwyn Watts
    4. Vol 34 Page 101
  116. Thomas Parish
    1. Vol 11a Page 166
    2. Residence, Thomas Wrath Parish
    3. Elizabeth Whitting
    4. Thomas Parish (Admin)
    5. Residence, Elizabeth Whitting
    6. Thomas Wrath Parish
    7. Mason
  117. Henry Lane
    1. Henry Lane
    2. Elizabeth Mary Katharyn Lane
    3. Vol 9b Page 2
    4. Trap Manufacturer
    5. Henry Lane
    6. Henry Chamberlain Lane
    7. Residence, Henry Lane
  118. Alice Maud Duggan
    1. Residence, Alice Maud Smith
    2. Alice Maud Smith
    3. Vol 3b Page 385
    4. Alice Maud Duggan née Smith
  119. Susan Emily Kerswell
    1. Henry Edwards Kerswell
    2. Residence, Susan Emily Edwards
    3. Susan Emily Edwards
    4. Susan Emily Kerswell née Edwards
    5. Labourer
    6. Vol 5b Page 97
  120. Trevor Meyrick Preece
    1. Residence, Trevor Meyrick Preece
    2. Trevor Meyrick Preece
    3. Probate, Trevor Meyrick Preece
    4. Vol 21 Page 1066
  121. Aneurin Steadman Griffiths
    1. Vol 27 Page 1309
    2. Probate, Aneurin Steadman Griffiths
    3. Aneurin Steadman Griffiths
    4. Residence, Aneurin Steadman Griffiths
  122. Richard Rogers
    1. Residence, Richard Rogers
    2. Richard Rogers
    3. Augusta Mary Lyndon
    4. Richard Rogers (Admin)
    5. Vol 5b Page 131
    6. Yeoman
  123. James Waters
    1. James Waters
    2. James Waters
    3. James Waters
    4. Yeoman
    5. Residence, James Waters
    6. Yeoman
    7. Vol 5b Page 129
  124. Latimer William Little Thomas
    1. Congregational Minister
    2. Vol 5h Page 9
    3. Latimer William Little Thomas
    4. Latimer William Little Thomas
    5. Arthur Latimer Thomas
    6. Residence, Latimer William Little Thomas
  125. Grace Phyllis Weston
    1. Residence, Grace Phyllis Bolt
    2. Probate, Grace Phyllis Bolt
    3. Grace Phyllis Bolt
    4. Vol 30 Page 1490
  126. William Jeffreys
    1. Alice Jenkins
    2. William Jeffreys
    3. Residence, Alice Jenkins
    4. Vol 11a Page 352
    5. William Jeffreys
  127. Gertrude Ellen Smale
    1. Vol 7a Page 400
    2. Gertrude Ellen Smale (Administration)
    3. Accountant
    4. Leonard George Searle Smale
    5. Gertrude Ellen Nicks
    6. Residence, Gertrude Ellen Nicks
  128. William Isabell Hudson
    1. Vol 5e Page 455
    2. Residence, William Isabell Hudson
    3. William Isabell Hudson
    4. William Isabell Hudson
  129. Beatrice Minnie Elizabeth Busby
    1. Beatrice Minnie Elizabeth Busby née Kerswell
    2. Residence, Beatrice Minnie Elizabeth Kerswell
    3. Death, Beatrice Minnie Elizabeth Kerswell
    4. William T O'Dea
    5. Beatrice Minnie Elizabeth Kerswell
    6. Kathleen Alice Busby
  130. Ann Eliza Denbow
    1. Residence, Anna Eliza Rogers
    2. Vol 1a Page 19a
    3. William Francis Denbow
    4. Anna Eliza Rogers
    5. Ann Eliza Denbow née Rogers
    6. Ironmonger
  131. Llewellyn Collwyn Lewis
    1. Llewellyn Collwyn Lewis
    2. Llewellyn Collwyn Lewis (Admin)
    3. Evan Lewis
    4. Curator
    5. Residence, Llewellyn Collwyn Lewis
    6. Vol 11a Page 529
  132. Thomas Davies
    1. Mechanical Engineer
    2. Thomas Davies
    3. Residence, Thomas Davies
    4. Ann John
    5. Thomas Davies (Admin)
    6. Vol 11a Page 407
  133. William Rogers
    1. Gentleman
    2. Vol 5b Page 149
    3. William Rogers
    4. Builder
    5. Residence, William Rogers
    6. Thomas Norman Rogers
    7. Andrew Lionel Rogers
    8. William Rogers (Admin)
  134. George Graham Cowburn
    1. Vol 40 Page 2042
    2. Probate, George Graham Cowburn
    3. George Graham Cowburn
    4. Residence, George Graham Cowburn
  135. Nicholas Heath
    1. Vol 5b Page 673
    2. Arthur Finch
    3. Rhoda Emma Heath
    4. Nicholas Heath
    5. Nicholas Heath
    6. Residence, Nicholas Heath
  136. Thomas Griffiths
    1. Residence, Thomas Griffiths
    2. William Thomas Griffiths
    3. Thomas Griffiths
    4. Henry Edward Thomas
    5. Sarah Griffiths
    6. Thomas Griffiths
    7. Vol 11a Page 1504
    8. Civil Servant
  137. Dorothy Lyndon
    1. Vol 5b Page 86
    2. Dorothy Lyndon née Lakeman (Admin)
    3. Residence, Dorothy Lakeman Kerswell
    4. Walter John Cuming
    5. Dorothy Lakeman Kerswell
    6. Mary Jane Lyndon
    7. Residence, Mary Jane Lyndon
  138. Mildred Parsons
    1. Mildred Narbett
    2. Residence, Mildred Narbett
    3. Probate, Mildred Narbett
    4. Vol 27 Page 2480
  139. Blanche Mumford
    1. Blanche Rogers
    2. Blanche Mumford née Rogers
    3. Bank Manager
    4. Residence, Blanche Rogers
    5. Mary Kathleen Mumford
    6. Vol 7a Page 457
    7. Thomas Harold Jefford
  140. Reginald Preece
    1. Reginald Preece (Admin)
    2. Vol 11a Page 790
    3. Residence, Reginald Preece
    4. Reginald Preece
    5. Elizabeth Gwen Jenkins
  141. Gertrude Mabel Scott
    1. Residence, Gertrude Mabel Scott
    2. Vol 8b Page 2553
    3. Gertrude Mabel Scott
    4. Probate, Gertrude Mabel Scott
  142. William Thomas Slader
    1. Mabel Annie Sargeant
    2. William Thomas Slader
    3. Residence, William Thomas Slader
    4. Vol 7a Page 333
    5. William Thomas Slader
  143. Mary Ann Stoneman
    1. Mary Ann Stoneman
    2. Vol 5b Page 197
    3. George Rogers
    4. Residence, Mary Ann Stoneman
    5. John Lane
    6. Chartered Accountant
    7. Mary Ann Stoneman
  144. John Roberts
    1. John Roberts (Admin)
    2. John Roberts
    3. Ann John
    4. Residence, John Roberts
    5. Innkeeper / Victualler
    6. Vol 11a Page 210
  145. John Moy Evans
    1. Solicitor
    2. Illtyd Moy Evans
    3. John Moy Evans
    4. John Moy Evans
    5. Vol 11a Page 1507
    6. Richard Perkins
    7. Gwladys Mary Evans
    8. Constance Marjorie Moy Evans
    9. Residence, John Moy Evans
  146. William Henry Nicks
    1. William Henry Nicks (Admin)
    2. William Henry Nicks
    3. Residence, William Henry Nicks
    4. Lily Williams
    5. Vol 5b Page 110
  147. Mark Nicks
    1. Ann Blechynden Crabb
    2. Mark Nicks
    3. Residence, Mark Nicks
    4. Yeoman
    5. Residence, Ann Blechynden Crabb
    6. Vol 5b Page 33
    7. Mark Nicks
  148. Richard Steadman Griffiths
    1. William Francis Carter
    2. Jane Griffiths
    3. Vol 11a Page 788
    4. Residence, Richard Steadman Griffiths
    5. Richard Steadman Griffiths
    6. Richard Steadman Griffiths (Admin)
  149. Catherine Adams
    1. Vol 1b Page 837
    2. Catherine McCann
    3. Probate, Catherine McCann
  150. John Owen Hooks
    1. Residence, John Owen Hooks
    2. Norah Hooks
    3. Vol 1b Page 64
    4. John Owen Hooks
    5. John Owen Hooks (Admin)
  151. Edith May Nicks
    1. Vol 7a Page 509
    2. Edith May Nicks
    3. Clifford Walter Nicks
    4. Gentlemen's outfitter's manager
    5. Residence, Edith May Nicks
    6. Edith May Nicks
  152. Violet Beatrice Rogers
    1. Vol 7a Page 1081
    2. Violet Beatrice Rogers née Smith
    3. Residence, Violet Beatrice Smith
    4. Violet Beatrice Smith
  153. Samuel Stokes
    1. Vol 6a Page 397
    2. Samuel Stokes
    3. Mary Lilian Stokes
    4. Residence, Samuel Stokes
    5. Samuel Stokes
  154. Blanche Mary Rogers
    1. Blanche Mary Rogers née Kerswell
    2. Blanche Mary Kerswell
    3. Vol 5f Page 386
    4. Residence, Blanche Mary Kerswell
    5. Civil Servant
    6. Norman Vernon Kerswell Rogers
  155. Ida Lily Lewis
    1. Residence, Ida Lily Lewis
    2. Probate, Ida Lily Lewis
    3. Vol 8b Page 209
    4. Ida Lily Lewis
  156. George Deacon
    1. Frank Whittle
    2. Clara Louise Bullock
    3. William Whittle
    4. George Deacon
    5. Licensed Victualler
    6. Vol 2b Page 331
    7. Hosier
    8. George Deacon
    9. Residence, George Deacon
  157. Joseph Martin
    1. Colliery Engineer
    2. Joseph Martin
    3. Hyla John Martin
    4. Vol 6b Page 803
    5. Residence, Joseph Martin
    6. Joseph Martin
  158. Elizabeth Newman Rogers
    1. Elizabeth Newman Rogers née Phillips
    2. Farmer
    3. Vol 5b Page 248
    4. John Rogers
    5. Elizabeth Newman Phillips
    6. Farmer
    7. Thomas Norman Rogers
  159. John Lear
    1. Residence, John Lear
    2. Vol 5b Page 37
    3. John Lear
    4. Farmer
    5. Caroline Radford Hedgman
    6. John Lear
  160. William Horsewill
    1. William Horswill
    2. William Horswill
    3. Residence, Maria Horswill
    4. Residence, William Horswill
    5. Maria Horswill
    6. Death, Edward Smerdon
    7. Vol 5b Page 136
    8. Edward Smerdon
    9. Innkeeper and Cordwainer
  161. Herbert Howarth
    1. Herbert Howarth
    2. Herbert Howarth (Admin with will)
    3. James Martin
    4. William Richardson
    5. Residence, Herbert Howarth
    6. Vol 10f Page 129
  162. Alwyn Steadman Carter
    1. Death, Alwyn Steadman Carter
    2. Alwyn Steadman Carter
    3. Alwyn Steadman Carter (Admin)
    4. Margaret Blodwen Lambert
    5. Residence, Alwyn Steadman Carter
  163. Mary Butler
    1. Vol 6b Page 298
    2. Mary Butler
    3. Mary Butler (Admin)
    4. Hardware manufacturer
    5. Residence, Mary Butler
    6. Joseph George Frederick Butler
  164. Haydn Rankin Taylor
    1. Residence, Haydn Rankin Taylor
    2. Haydn Rankin Taylor
    3. Death, Haydn Rankin Taylor
    4. Probate, Haydn Rankin Taylor
  165. Arthur Ernest Bodey
    1. Vol 7b Page 270
    2. Arthur Ernest Bodey
    3. Arthur Ernest Bodey
    4. Residence, Arthur Ernest Bodey
  166. Mary Lilian Stokes
    1. Death, Cliffe
    2. Residence, Mary Lilian Stokes
    3. Retired Education Officer
    4. William Stokes
    5. Ethel Mary
    6. Mary Lilian Stokes (Admin)
    7. Mary Lilian Stokes
    8. Vol 7b Page 414
    9. Cliffe
  167. Elizabeth Jane Titley
    1. Vol 6c Page 58
    2. Elizabeth Jane Parish
    3. Elizabeth Jane Titley née Parish
    4. Lillian Dorothy Titley
    5. Alfred Vaughan
    6. Residence, Elizabeth Jane Parish
  168. John Widdicombe
    1. Residence, John Widdicombe
    2. Vol 5b Page 43
    3. Probate, John Widdicombe
    4. John Widdicombe
  169. William Francis Carter
    1. William Francis Carter
    2. Vol 8b Page 461
    3. William Francis Carter
    4. Jane Griffiths
    5. Residence, William Francis Carter
  170. John Rogers
    1. Edmund George Rogers
    2. Death, John Rogers
    3. John Rogers
    4. Farmer
    5. John Alfred Rogers
    6. John Rogers
    7. Farmer
    8. Residence, John Rogers
  171. Hannah Widdicombe
    1. Residence, Hannah Nicks
    2. Hannah Nicks
    3. Hannah Widdicombe née Nicks
    4. John Widdicombe
    5. Vol 5b Page 42
    6. Retired coal merchant
  172. Daisy Elizabeth Southard
    1. Residence, Daisy Elizabeth Wyatt
    2. Vol 7a Page 1132
    3. Probate, Daisy Elizabeth Wyatt
    4. Daisy Elizabeth Wyatt
  173. Charles Bracken
    1. Charles Bracken
    2. Elizabeth Nicks
    3. Vol 5b Page 276
    4. Retired sailmaker
    5. Residence, Charles Bracken
    6. Charles Bracken
  174. Agnes Martin
    1. Agnes Gough
    2. Vol 25 Page 774
    3. Residence, Agnes Gough
    4. Probate, Agnes Gough
  175. Servington Ward Luscombe
    1. Servington Luscombe
    2. James Luscombe
    3. Servington Ward Luscombe
    4. Farmer
    5. Farmer
    6. Vol 5b Page 279
    7. Residence, Servington Ward Luscombe
    8. Servington Ward Luscombe
  176. Theodora Gladys Browning
    1. Driving and Traffic Examiner
    2. Theodora Gwladys Preece
    3. Arthur Reginald Marchant Dennis
    4. Theodora Gladys Browning née Preece (Admin)
    5. Residence, Theodora Gwladys Preece
    6. Vol 8b Page 213
  177. William Nicks
    1. Vol 5b Page 71
    2. Residence, William Nicks
    3. Lydia Rew
    4. William Nicks (Admin)
    5. Retired farm labourer
    6. William Nicks
  178. James Larkin
    1. Residence, James Larkin
    2. Caroline Lear
    3. James Larkin
    4. Vol 2b Page 251
    5. James Larkin (Admin with will)
  179. David Silyn Evans
    1. David Silyn Evans
    2. Residence, David Silyn Evans
    3. Probate, David Silyn Evans
    4. Vol 11a Page 630
  180. Alfred Henry Halse
    1. Residence, Alfred Henry Halse
    2. Vol 6d Page 51
    3. Alfred Henry Halse
    4. Alfred Henry Halse
    5. Alice Annie Holmes
    6. Residence, Alfred Henry Halse
  181. Lizzie Bull
    1. Lizzie Stokes
    2. Vol 30 Page 586
    3. Residence, Lizzie Stokes
    4. Probate, Lizzie Stokes
  182. Hannah Martin
    1. Thomas Martin
    2. Hannah Martin
    3. Vol 6b Page 842
    4. Hannah Mole
    5. Retired Engineer
    6. Residence, Hannah Mole
  183. Alice Livesey
    1. James Livesey
    2. Quarryman
    3. Vol 8e Page 262
    4. Publican
    5. Residence, Alice Cowburn
    6. William Livesey
    7. Alice Livesey née Cowburn
    8. Alice Cowburn
  184. Lionel Handel Rankin Taylor
    1. Vol 11 Page 421
    2. Probate, Lionel Handel Rankin Taylor
    3. Lionel Handel Rankin Taylor
    4. Residence, Lionel Handel Rankin Taylor
  185. Margaret Blodwen Carter
    1. Residence, Margaret Blodwen Lambert
    2. Vol 8b Page 2002
    3. Margaret Blodwen Lambert
    4. Probate, Margaret Blodwen Lambert
  186. John Roberts Kerswell
    1. Vol 3a Page 113
    2. John Roberts Kerswell
    3. Emily Harper
    4. John Roberts Kerswell
    5. Residence, John Roberts Kerswell
  187. Edith Amelia Corbett
    1. Vol 1b Page 801
    2. Edith Amelia Corbett
    3. Edith Amelia Corbett
    4. Ethel Jubilee Corbett
    5. Residence, Edith Amelia Corbett
  188. William Henry Preece
    1. William Henry Preece
    2. Residence, William Henry Preece
    3. Vol 11a Page 514
    4. Schoolmaster
    5. Harold Edward Summers
    6. William Henry Preece
  189. William Kerswell
    1. Vol 5b Page 224
    2. William Chipman Kerswell
    3. William Kerswell
    4. Farmer
    5. William Kerswell
    6. George Henry Kerswell
    7. Farmer
    8. Residence, William Kerswell
  190. Graham Wynford Griffiths
    1. Probate, Graham Wynford Griffiths
    2. Vol 27 Page 1158
    3. Graham Wynford Griffiths
    4. Residence, Graham Wynford Griffiths
  191. Lydia Lottie Rogers
    1. Probate, Lydia Lottie Phillips
    2. Residence, Lydia Lottie Phillips
    3. Vol 21 Page 1489
    4. Lydia Lottie Phillips
  192. John Thomas Bull
    1. Residence, John Thomas Bull
    2. Lizzie Stokes
    3. Vol 9b Page 111
    4. John Thomas Bull
    5. John Thomas Bull
  193. John Alfred Rogers Luscombe
    1. John Alfred Rogers Luscombe
    2. William George Luscombe
    3. Farmer
    4. John Alfred Rogers Luscombe
    5. Vol 5b Page 282
    6. John William Luscombe
    7. Farmer
    8. Residence, John Alfred Rogers Luscombe
  194. Annie Rogers
    1. Probate, Annie Lendon
    2. Vol 21 Page 1456
    3. Annie Lendon
  195. Robert Lyndon
    1. Innkeeper
    2. Residence, Robert Lyndon
    3. Robert Lyndon
    4. Residence, Robert Lyndon
    5. Robert Lyndon
    6. Vol 5b Page 133
    7. Innkeeper
    8. Robert Lyndon
  196. John Dorsett
    1. John Dorsett
    2. John Dorsett
    3. Licensed Victualler
    4. Mary Dorsett
    5. Hiram Croxall
    6. John Dorsett
    7. Residence, John Dorsett
    8. Vol 6b Page 395
    9. Hannah Marklew
  197. Anna Adams Rogers
    1. Residence, Anna Adams Rogers
    2. Anna Adams Rogers
    3. Vol 5b Page 251
    4. Commercial Traveller
    5. Frank George Channing
    6. Anna Adams Rogers
  198. Edward Alce
    1. Residence, Edward Alce
    2. At sea
    3. Edward Alce (Admin)
    4. Mariner in the Merchant Service
    5. Edward Alce
    6. Elizabeth Ann Key
  199. Gladys Preece
    1. Residence, Gladys Preece
    2. Gladys Preece
    3. Vol 27 Page 1336
    4. David Alfred Preece
    5. Gladys Preece (Admin with will)
  200. William Stokes
    1. Residence, William Stokes
    2. Vol 9b Page 789
    3. William Stokes
    4. Probate, William Stokes
  201. Ethel Rogers
    1. Residence, Ethel Coaker
    2. Probate, Ethel Coaker
    3. Ethel Coaker
    4. Vol 7a Page 420
  202. Richard Colliver Rogers
    1. Vol 5b Page 125
    2. Farmer
    3. Residence, Richard Colliver Rogers
    4. Richard Colliver Rogers
    5. Richard Blackler Rogers
    6. Richard Colliver Rogers
  203. Emma Jane Bartlett
    1. Emma Jane Bartlett née Fox
    2. Emma Jane Fox
    3. Civil Servant
    4. Residence, Emma Jane Fox
    5. Richard Godfrey James Bartlett
    6. Vol 7a Page 642
  204. Temperance Luscombe
    1. Temperance Kerswell
    2. Farmer
    3. Residence, William Luscombe
    4. Residence, Temperance Kerswell
    5. Vol 5b Page 165
    6. William Luscombe
    7. Temperance Luscombe née Kerswell
  205. Thomas Titley
    1. Elizabeth Jane Parish
    2. Residence, Thomas Titley
    3. Vol 6c Page 76
    4. Thomas Titley
    5. Thomas Titley
  206. John Preece
    1. Arthur Ewart Preece
    2. Residence, John Preece
    3. Ironmonger
    4. Vol 11a Page 605
    5. Ironmonger
    6. Trevor Meyrick Preece
    7. John Preece
    8. Gladys Preece
    9. David Alfred Preece
    10. John Preece
    11. Medical Practitioner
  207. Sarah Griffiths
    1. Sarah
    2. Company director
    3. Sarah Margaret Griffiths
    4. Sarah Griffiths
    5. Residence, Sarah
    6. Vol 11a Page 1055
    7. Thomas Griffiths
  208. Leonard George Searle Smale
    1. Probate, Leonard George Searle Smale
    2. Not found in GRO index
    3. Residence, Leonard George Searle Smale
    4. Leonard George Searle Smale
  209. John Mumford Bailey
    1. Residence, John Mumford Bailey
    2. Vol 6a Page 6
    3. John Mumford Bailey
    4. John Mumford Bailey
    5. Boot Manufacturer
    6. William John Mumford Bailey
  210. Emma Louisa Green
    1. Vol 5b Page 206
    2. Emma Louisa Green née Nicks (Admin)
    3. Residence, Emma Louisa Nicks
    4. Death, William Green
    5. Hardware and Oil Merchant
    6. William Green
    7. Emma Louisa Nicks
    8. Leonard John Green
  211. Bessie Luscombe
    1. Vol 7a Page 1704
    2. Bessie Wakeham
    3. Probate, Bessie Wakeham
    4. Residence, Bessie Wakeham
  212. Henry William Wyatt
    1. Blanche Rogers
    2. Henry William Wyatt (Admin)
    3. Henry William Wyatt
    4. Vol 5b Page 113
    5. Residence, Henry William Wyatt
  213. Henry Grant Horswill
    1. Carpenter
    2. Vol 5b Page 123
    3. Probate, Henry Grant Horswill
    4. Residence, Henry Grant Horswill
    5. Henry Grant Horswill
  214. Malvina Martha Anna Bartlett
    1. Malvina Grace Bartlett
    2. Company Director
    3. John Adams Bartlett
    4. Malvina Martha Anna Bartlett née Baxter
    5. Clerk
    6. Ernest Spencer Bartlett
    7. Residence, Malvina Martha Anna Baxter
    8. Vol 5e Page 53
    9. Malvina Martha Anna Baxter
  215. David John
    1. David John
    2. Shoemaker
    3. Sarah Jones
    4. David John (Admin with will)
  216. Harold Pedley
    1. Harold Pedley
    2. Residence, Harold Pedley
    3. Vol 9b Page 184
    4. Emily Ballance
    5. Harold Pedley
  217. Ellen Holloway
    1. Robert James Holloway
    2. Ellen Thomas
    3. Vol 6b Page 19
    4. Ellen Holloway née Thomas (Admin with will)
    5. Vol 9b Page 354
    6. Residence, Ellen Thomas
  218. Dorothy Ada Kitchin or Kitchen
    1. Residence, Dorothy Ada Parish
    2. Dorothy Ada Kitchin née Parish
    3. Vol 8a Page 140
    4. Dorothy Ada Parish
  219. Bessie Jane Rowlands
    1. Temporary Civil Servant
    2. Bessie Jane Rowlands (Admin)
    3. Vol 5e Page 175
    4. Bessie Jane Rogers
    5. Residence, Bessie Jane Rogers
    6. Frederick George King
  220. Nora Kathleen Byrne
    1. Probate, Nora Kathleen Johnstone
    2. Nora Kathleen Johnstone
    3. Vol 32 Page 2
    4. Residence, Nora Kathleen Johnstone
  221. Thomas John Metherell
    1. Vol 5b Page 296
    2. Thomas John Metherell
    3. Olive May Metherell
    4. Frederick Augustus Reeves
    5. Louisa Mabel Metherell
    6. John W P Ellis
    7. Death, John W P Ellis
    8. Thomas John Metherell
    9. Residence, Thomas John Metherell
  222. David Godfrey Thomas
    1. Death, David Godfrey Thomas
    2. Residence, David Godfrey Thomas
    3. David Godfrey Thomas
    4. Commission Agent
    5. Residence, Laura Maud Sutton
    6. Laura Maud Sutton
    7. David Godfrey Thomas (Admin)
  223. Evan Lewis
    1. Evan Lewis
    2. Vol 11a Page 1021
    3. Probate, Evan Lewis
  224. Sarah Ellen Rogers
    1. Vol 5b Page 330
    2. Sarah Ellen Rogers née Baker (Admin with will)
    3. Farmer
    4. Benjamin Frederick Rogers
    5. Sarah Ellen Baker
    6. Residence, Sarah Ellen Baker
  225. Mabel Frances Shubrook
    1. Probate, Mabel Frances Kerswell
    2. Vol 7a Page 707
    3. Mabel Frances Kerswell
    4. Residence, Mabel Frances Kerswell
  226. John Rogers
    1. Engine driver
    2. Residence, John Rogers
    3. Engine driver
    4. John Rogers
    5. Arthur Rogers
    6. Vol 5c Page 75
    7. John Rogers
  227. Edith Caroline Lane
    1. Vol 9b Page 4
    2. Edith Caroline Lane née Chamberlain
    3. Edith Caroline Chamberlain
    4. Elizabeth Mary Katharyn Lane
    5. Manufacturer
    6. Residence, Edith Caroline Chamberlain
    7. Henry Chamberlain Lane
  228. Richard Steadman Griffiths
    1. Vol 8b Page 598
    2. Residence, Richard Steadman Griffiths
    3. Jane Eleanor Maud Lewin
    4. Richard Steadman Griffiths
    5. Richard Steadman Griffiths
  229. Edmund George Rogers
    1. Edmund George Rogers
    2. Thomas Jordan Mills
    3. Vol 7a Page 785
    4. Residence, Edmund George Rogers
    5. Edmund George Rogers
  230. David Evans
    1. David Evans
    2. Probate, David Evans
    3. Vol 11a Page 1020
    4. Residence, David Evans
  231. James Martin
    1. James Martin
    2. Vol 10f Page 46
    3. Residence, James Martin
    4. James Martin
  232. George Sweetland
    1. Edward Thomas Sweetland
    2. George Sweetland (Admin)
    3. Vol 7a Page 477
    4. Residence, George Sweetland
    5. George Sweetland
    6. Retired Carpenter
  233. David Moy John
    1. Edith Helen Butcher
    2. David Moy John (Admin)
    3. Residence, David Moy John
    4. David Moy John
    5. Vol 11a Page 309
  234. Hyla Martin
    1. Agnes Gough
    2. Residence, Hyla Martin
    3. Hyla Martin
    4. Hyla Martin (Admin)
    5. Vol 6b Page 568
  235. Frederick George Mumford
    1. Vol 5b Page 395
    2. Frederick George Mumford
    3. Frederick George Mumford
    4. Mary Kathleen Mumford
    5. Thomas Harold Jefford
    6. Residence, Frederick George Mumford
  236. Agnes Cross Rogers
    1. Nesta Jane Rogers
    2. William Walke Petherbridge
    3. Death, Agnes Cross Luscombe
    4. Residence, Agnes Cross Luscombe
    5. Agnes Cross Rogers née Luscombe (Admin with will)
    6. Agnes Cross Luscombe
  237. Rosabelle Dennis
    1. Vol 8b Page 286
    2. Residence, Rosabelle Preece
    3. Rosabelle Preece
    4. Driving and Traffic Examiner
    5. Rosabelle Dennis née Preece (Admin)
    6. Arthur Reginald Marchant Dennis
  238. Ruby Colvin Preece
    1. Ruby Colvin Fryer
    2. Residence, Ruby Colvin Fryer
    3. Vol 7a Page 1034
    4. Ruby Colvin Preece née Fryer
  239. William Edwards
    1. Factory worker
    2. Vol 8b Page 304
    3. William Edwards
    4. William Edwards (Admin with will)
    5. William Davies Edwards
    6. Residence, William Edwards
  240. Sophia Grace Dowdle
    1. William Henry Dowdle
    2. Cabinet Maker
    3. Vol 6a Page 159
    4. Sophia Grace Helmore
    5. Sophia Grace Dowdle née Helmore (Admin)
    6. Residence, Sophia Grace Helmore
  241. William Rogers
    1. William Rogers (Admin)
    2. Ethel Coaker
    3. Residence, William Rogers
    4. William Rogers
    5. Vol 5b Page 257
  242. Elinor Davies
    1. Elinor Roberts
    2. Vol 11a Page 484
    3. Probate, Elinor Roberts
  243. John Rogers
    1. Elizabeth Louise Jones Rogers
    2. Residence, John Rogers
    3. John Rogers
    4. John Rogers
    5. Elizabeth Grace Ward
    6. William John Tuckett
    7. Vol 5b Page 132
  244. Edward Rees Griffiths
    1. Edward Rees Griffiths
    2. Death, Edward Rees Griffiths
    3. Residence, Edward Rees Griffiths
    4. Edward Rees Griffiths (Admin)
    5. Alice Artemisia Earley
  245. Ernest William Smith
    1. Ernest William Smith
    2. Residence, Ernest William Smith
    3. Vol 22 Page 47
    4. Probate, Ernest William Smith
  246. Peter Richard Foss
    1. Peter Richard Foss
    2. Herbert Foss
    3. Farmer
    4. Walter Edwin Foss
    5. Peter Richard Foss
    6. Retired farmer
    7. Vol 5b Page 245
    8. Residence, Peter Richard Foss
  247. Charles Rogers
    1. Vol 7a Page 462
    2. Residence, Charles Rogers
    3. Probate, Charles Rogers
    4. Charles Rogers
  248. James Waters
    1. Probate, James Waters
    2. Vol 5b Page 115
    3. Residence, James Waters
    4. James Waters
  249. Robert Luscombe
    1. Robert Luscombe
    2. Robert Luscombe
    3. Residence, Robert Luscombe
    4. Vol 5b Page 141
    5. Residence, Elizabeth Luscombe
    6. Farmer
    7. Elizabeth Luscombe
  250. Margaret John
    1. Thomas John
    2. Margaret John née Lewis (Admin)
    3. Margaret Lewis
    4. Vol 11a Page 279
    5. Schoolmaster
    6. Residence, Margaret Lewis
  251. Selina Lewis
    1. Retired curator
    2. Evan Lewis
    3. Selina Lewis
    4. Residence, Selina Lewis
    5. Vol 11a Page 957
    6. Selina Lewis
  252. Frances Eugenie Chittock
    1. Fanny Frances Eugenia Howes
    2. Elsie Frances Chittock
    3. Residence, Elsie Frances Chittock
    4. Vol 2a Page 659
    5. Frances Eugenie Chittock née Howes
  253. Philip Henry Fox
    1. Vol 5b Page 220
    2. Farmer
    3. Philip Henry Fox
    4. Residence, Philip Henry Fox
    5. Philip Henry Fox
    6. Francis Henry Kingdom Fox
  254. Elsie Frances Chittock
    1. Fanny Frances Eugenia Howes
    2. Elsie Frances Chittock
    3. Residence, Elsie Frances Chittock
    4. Vol 4a Page 918
    5. Elsie Frances Chittock
  255. Edward Frederick Skyrme
    1. Sophia Ann James Pea
    2. Edward Frederick Skyrme
    3. Vol 6c Page 117
    4. Residence, Edward Frederick Skyrme
    5. Edward Frederick Skyrme
  256. Hilda Mary Dimond
    1. Residence, Hilda Mary Medland
    2. Hilda Mary Medland
    3. Probate, Hilda Mary Medland
    4. Reg 35 Entry 163
  257. Peter Richard Foss
    1. Vol 5b Page 146
    2. Peter Richard Foss
    3. Probate, Peter Richard Foss
    4. Residence, Peter Richard Foss
  258. Frederick Thomas James Sibun
    1. Vol 6a Page 290
    2. Frederick Thomas James Sibun
    3. Residence, Frederick Thomas James Sibun
    4. Frederick Thomas James Sibun (Admin)
  259. Letitia Evans
    1. Letitia Evans née Griffiths
    2. Vol 8a Page 277
    3. Letitia Griffiths
    4. Jonny Griffiths
    5. Residence, Letitia Griffiths
  260. Philip Rogers
    1. Charles Rogers
    2. Residence, Philip Blackler Rogers
    3. Philip Rogers
    4. Philip Blackler Rogers
    5. Farmer
    6. Vol 7a Page 634
  261. Walter Arthur Dennis
    1. Walter Arthur Dennis (Admin)
    2. Vol 8b Page 352
    3. Residence, Walter Arthur Dennis
    4. Walter Arthur Dennis
    5. Arthur Reginald Marchant Dennis
    6. Police Officer
  262. Robert Roberts
    1. Cecil George Roberts
    2. Vol 5b Page 41
    3. Farmer
    4. Farmer
    5. Robert Roberts
    6. Alfred Robert Roberts
    7. Bessy Chave
    8. Robert Roberts
    9. Residence, Robert Roberts
  263. William Southwood
    1. William Southwood
    2. Elizabeth Frances Southwood
    3. Residence, Elizabeth Frances Southwood
    4. Residence, William Southwood
    5. Charlie Matthews Southwood
    6. Vol 5b Page 38
    7. William Southwood
    8. Hotel Keeper
    9. Hotel Keeper
  264. John Arthur Rogers
    1. Vol 7a Page 351
    2. Residence, John Arthur Rogers
    3. John Arthur Rogers (Admin)
    4. John Arthur Rogers
    5. Frances Hilda Rogers
    6. Ernest Ralph Richards
  265. Matthew Nicks
    1. Vol 5b Page 45
    2. Matthew Nicks
    3. Farmer
    4. Matthew Mark Nicks
    5. John Matthew Nicks
    6. Farmer
    7. Residence, Matthew Nicks
    8. Matthew Nicks
    9. Farmer
  266. Waldo Llewellyn Preece Thomas
    1. Waldo Llewellyn Preece Thomas
    2. Meriel Grace Wright
    3. Residence, Waldo Llewellyn Preece Thomas
    4. Vol 6a Page 111
    5. Waldo Llewellyn Preece Thomas (Admin)
  267. Gabrielle Marguerite Marchand
    1. Death, Gabrielle Marguerite Bonte
    2. Gabrielle Marguerite Bonte
    3. Residence, Gabrielle Marguerite Bonte
    4. Gabrielle Marguerite Marchand née Bonte
  268. Harold Edward Summers
    1. Harold Edward Summers
    2. Dora Mary Preece
    3. Harold Edward Summers
    4. Vol 11a Page 551
    5. Residence, Harold Edward Summers
  269. Thomas Nicks
    1. Death, Thomas Nicks
    2. Thomas Nicks (Admin)
    3. Residence, Jessie A Ellis
    4. Jessie A Ellis
    5. Residence, Thomas Nicks
    6. Railway Engine Driver
    7. Thomas Nicks
  270. Ann Baker
    1. Probate, Anne Nicks
    2. Anne Nicks
    3. Vol 5b Page 53
    4. Residence, Anne Nicks
  271. John Charles Kerswell
    1. John Charles Kerswell
    2. Residence, John Charles Kerswell
    3. John Charles Kerswell (Admin)
    4. Ellen Elliott
    5. Vol 5b Page 147
  272. Trevosso Albert Chubb
    1. Dorothy Chubb
    2. Mark C Craddock
    3. Residence, Trevosso Albert Chubb
    4. Vol 7a Page 87
    5. Richard Ernest Alfred Allen
    6. Mabel May Chubb
    7. Trevosso Albert Chubb
    8. Death, Mark C Craddock
    9. Trevosso Albert Chubb
  273. David Thomas
    1. Thomas Thomas
    2. David Thomas
    3. Vol 11a Page 751
    4. Colliery fireman
    5. Jane Thomas
    6. David Thomas (Admin)
    7. Residence, Jane Thomas
  274. John William John
    1. Vol 11a Page 560
    2. Catherine Louisa Evans
    3. John William John
    4. John William John
  275. Francis John Corbett
    1. Francis John Corbett
    2. Vol 6b Page 609
    3. Railway Clerk
    4. Residence, Francis John Corbett
    5. Francis John Corbett
    6. Cooper
    7. Frank Thomas Appleby
    8. Arthur Frederick Adey
  276. Walter Edwin Foss
    1. Vol 7a Page 753
    2. Residence, Walter Edwin Foss
    3. Farmer
    4. Walter Edwin Foss
    5. Walter Edwin Foss (Admin)
    6. Stanley Walter Foss
  277. Ada Maria Margaret Taylor
    1. Ada Maria Margaret Rankin
    2. Haydn Rankin Taylor
    3. Company Director
    4. Ada Maria Margaret Taylor née Rankin (Admin)
    5. Vol 7b Page 71
    6. Residence, Ada Maria Margaret Rankin
  278. George Lear
    1. Residence, George Lear
    2. Carrie Dorothy Lear
    3. George Lear
    4. Vol 7b Page 304
    5. George Lear
  279. Dorothy Carrie Lear
    1. Carrie Dorothy Lear
    2. Vol 22 Page 1558
    3. Residence, Carrie Dorothy Lear
    4. Probate, Carrie Dorothy Lear
  280. Elizabeth Corbett
    1. Charles Corbett
    2. Susannah Corbett
    3. Elizabeth Corbett
    4. Vol 6b Page 605
    5. Elizabeth Corbett
    6. Lock Manufacturer
    7. Residence, Elizabeth Corbett
  281. Ivy Stokes
    1. Residence, Ivy Ballance
    2. Ivy Ballance
    3. Probate, Ivy Ballance
    4. Vol 30 Page 600
  282. William Preece
    1. William Harris Preece
    2. Residence, William Harris Preece
    3. Reginald Preece
    4. Vol 11a Page 430
    5. Electric motor man
    6. William Harris Preece (Admin)
  283. Susannah Fanshawe
    1. Susannah Fanshawe née Corbett (Admin with will)
    2. Charles Corbett
    3. Residence, Susannah Corbett
    4. Vol 6b Page 716
    5. Susannah Corbett
    6. Katherine Mary Gledhill
  284. Arthur Reginald Marchant Dennis
    1. Residence, Arthur Reginald Marchant Dennis
    2. Probate, Arthur Reginald Marchant Dennis
    3. Vol 27 Page 1008
    4. Arthur Reginald Marchant Dennis
  285. James Baker
    1. James Baker
    2. Anne Nicks
    3. James Baker
    4. Yeoman
    5. Vol 5b Page 49
    6. Residence, James Baker
  286. Florence Ellen Sandover
    1. Residence, Florence Ellen Luscombe
    2. Florence Ellen Sandover née Luscombe (Admin)
    3. Vol 5b Page 284
    4. Florence Ellen Luscombe
    5. Edgar Masters Sandover
  287. John Alfred Parsons
    1. Vol 28 Page 211
    2. Probate, John Alfred Parsons
    3. John Alfred Parsons
    4. Residence, John Alfred Parsons
  288. Edmund Lewis
    1. Edmund Lewis
    2. Mason
    3. Residence, Edmund Lewis
    4. Vol 26 Page 322
    5. Paving Cutter
    6. John Lewis
    7. Edmund Lewis (Admin)
  289. Hyla John Martin
    1. Residence, Hyla John Martin
    2. Probate, Hyla John Martin
    3. Hyla John Martin
    4. Vol 6b Page 603
  290. Sarah Mary Bickford Nicks
    1. Probate, Sarah Mary Bickford Conneybear
    2. Sarah Mary Bickford Conneybear
    3. Vol 7a Page 611
    4. Residence, Sarah Mary Bickford Conneybear
  291. Thomas Letheren
    1. Thomas Letheren (Admin with will)
    2. Thomas Letheren
    3. Residence, Ann Waters
    4. Ann Waters
    5. Residence, Thomas Letheren
    6. Vol 5b Page 43
    7. Timber Merchant
  292. John Howard Shingler
    1. Residence, John Howard Shingler
    2. Probate, John Howard Shingler
    3. Vol 9b Page 45
    4. John Howard Shingler
  293. Edward Thomas Sweetland
    1. Edward Thomas Sweetland
    2. Vol 5b Page 56
    3. Residence, Sarah Ann Moxey Roberts
    4. Sarah Ann Moxey Roberts
    5. Residence, Edward Thomas Sweetland
    6. Newspaper Proprietor and General Printer
    7. Edward Thomas Sweetland
  294. Eustace Meredith Martin Johnstone
    1. Eustace Meredith Martin Johnstone (Admin)
    2. Eustace Meredith Martin Johnstone
    3. Vol 6d Page 104
    4. Eustace Andrew Johnstone
    5. Haulage Contractor
  295. Dorothy Hedgman
    1. Corn Dealer
    2. Residence, Dorothy White
    3. Residence, William Nicks
    4. Francis Nicks
    5. Residence, Francis Nicks
    6. Dorothy Hedgman née White
    7. Railway Policeman
    8. William Nicks
    9. Vol 5b Page 34
    10. Dorothy White
  296. Mary Morgan
    1. Mary Griffiths
    2. Residence, Mary Griffiths
    3. Not found in GRO index
    4. Mary Morgan née Griffiths
  297. John Rogers
    1. Residence, John Rogers
    2. Probate, John Rogers
    3. Vol 21 Page 1370
    4. John Rogers
  298. Lilian Scott
    1. Lilian Scott
    2. Residence, Lilian Scott
    3. Probate, Lilian Scott
    4. Vol 27 Page 1001
  299. John James Glanvill
    1. Farmer
    2. Vol 5b Page 80
    3. John James Glanvill (Admin)
    4. Residence, John James Glanvill
    5. John Francis Glanvill
    6. Farmer
    7. John James Glanvill
  300. William Stokes
    1. Residence, William Stokes
    2. William Stokes
    3. Police Superintendent
    4. Vol 6b Page 279
    5. William Stokes
    6. Inspector of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
    7. William Stokes
    8. Samuel Stokes
  301. Chris Lawson
    1. Chris Lawson
    2. Probate, Chris Lawson
    3. Vol 30 Page 602
    4. Residence, Chris Lawson
  302. Robert Nicks
    1. Robert Nicks (Admin)
    2. Robert Nicks
    3. Residence, Robert Nicks
    4. Farmer
    5. Vol 5b Page 56
    6. Rebecca Hill
    7. Residence, Rebecca Hill
  303. John Rogers
    1. Residence, John Rogers
    2. John Rogers
    3. Residence, John Rogers
    4. Husbandman
    5. John Rogers
    6. Vol 5b Page 183
    7. John Rogers
  304. Henry Dodd Scott
    1. Painter
    2. Henry Dodd Scott
    3. Residence, Henry Dodd Scott
    4. Albert Henry Scott
    5. Henry Dodd Scott
    6. Gertrude Mabel Scott
    7. Vol 11a Page 644
  305. Margaret Irene John
    1. Margaret Irene John
    2. Vol 8b Page 462
    3. Probate, Margaret Irene John
    4. Residence, Margaret Irene John
  306. Beatrice Norris Fryer
    1. Probate, Beatrice Norris Baker
    2. Beatrice Norris Baker
    3. Residence, Beatrice Norris Baker
    4. Vol 10 Page 666
  307. Eva Laura Rix
    1. Residence, Eva Laura Bryant
    2. Vol 5b Page 276
    3. Probate, Eva Laura Bryant
    4. Eva Laura Bryant
  308. Thomas Beynon Evans
    1. Thomas Beynon Evans (Admin)
    2. Residence, Thomas Beynon Evans
    3. Thomas Beynon Evans
    4. Jane Griffiths
    5. Vol 11a Page 509
  309. Sidney Kitchin
    1. Dorothy Ada Parish
    2. Sidney Kitchin (Admin)
    3. Sidney Kitchin
    4. Vol 8a Page 170
    5. Residence, Sidney Kitchin
  310. Sarah John
    1. Sarah John née Jones (Admin)
    2. Mary John
    3. Sarah Jones
    4. Vol 11a Page 433
  311. Thomas Jeffery Halse
    1. Thomas Jeffery Halse (Admin)
    2. Alfred Henry Halse
    3. Vol 6c Page 242
    4. Thomas Jeffery Halse
    5. House and estate-agent
    6. Residence, Thomas Jeffery Halse
  312. Elizabeth Griffiths
    1. William Francis Carter
    2. Jane Griffiths
    3. Multiple possible in GRO index
    4. Elizabeth Griffiths née George (Admin)
    5. Elizabeth George
  313. Charlotte Lane
    1. Chartered Accountant
    2. Charlotte Lane née Sheriff
    3. Charlotte Sheriff
    4. John Lane
    5. Residence, John Lane
    6. Vol 5b Page 100
    7. Residence, Charlotte Sheriff
  314. James Cowburn
    1. Vol 8e Page 588
    2. Residence, James Cowburn
    3. James Cowburn
    4. James Thompson
    5. Elizabeth Cowburn
    6. James Cowburn
  315. Frederick Arthur Robertson Dimond
    1. Residence, Frederick Arthur Robertson Dimond
    2. Probate, Frederick Arthur Robertson Dimond
    3. Frederick Arthur Robertson Dimond
    4. Vol 7c Page 2450
  316. Catherine Stinchcombe
    1. George Stinchcombe
    2. Farmer
    3. Residence, Catherine Nicks
    4. Vol 6a Page 186
    5. Catherine Nicks
    6. Catherine Stinchcombe née Nicks
  317. Caroline Larkin
    1. Caroline Radford Larkin
    2. Caroline Lear
    3. Residence, Caroline Lear
    4. Caroline Larkin née Lear (Admin with will)
    5. Vol 3a Page 799
  318. John Griffiths
    1. Vol 11a Page 594
    2. Residence, John Griffiths
    3. John Griffiths
    4. Sarah Rowena Griffiths
    5. John Griffiths
  319. Amelia Waters
    1. Vol 5b Page 92
    2. Residence, Amelia Morgan
    3. Probate, Amelia Morgan
    4. Amelia Morgan
  320. Thomas Adams
    1. Residence, Thomas Adams
    2. Catherine McCann
    3. Thomas Adams
    4. Thomas Adams
  321. Emily Maud Parker
    1. Vol 7b Page 420
    2. Residence, Emily Maud Dimond
    3. Probate, Emily Maud Dimond
    4. Emily Maud Dimond
  322. Andrew Lionel Rogers
    1. Farmer
    2. Farmer
    3. Andrew Lionel Rogers
    4. Residence, Andrew Lionel Rogers
    5. Albert Thomas Rogers
    6. Vol 5b Page 242
    7. Andrew Lionel Rogers
    8. Garland Victor Rogers
  323. Richard Street
    1. Richard Street
    2. Vol 6b Page 293
    3. Residence, Richard Street
    4. Mary Thacker
    5. Richard Street
  324. Elizabeth Dorothy White Lear
    1. Elizabeth Dorothy White Dimond
    2. Elizabeth Dorothy White Lear née Dimond
    3. Vol 6a Page 1130
    4. Carrie Dorothy Lear
    5. George Lear
    6. Baker
    7. Residence, Elizabeth Dorothy White Dimond
  325. David Alfred Preece
    1. David Alfred Preece
    2. David Alfred Preece
    3. Residence, David Alfred Preece
    4. Vol 27 Page 1379
  326. Eileen Adams
    1. Probate, Eileen Gallagher
    2. Vol 1 Page 1623
    3. Eileen Gallagher
  327. Harriet Waters
    1. Harriet Waters née Ellett
    2. Harriet Ellett
    3. James Waters
    4. Residence, Harriet Ellett
    5. Vol 5b Page 133
    6. Yeoman
  328. Elizabeth Grace Rogers
    1. Elizabeth Louise Jones Rogers
    2. Sidney Johns Ward
    3. Vol 5b Page 239
    4. Residence, Elizabeth Grace Ward
    5. Elizabeth Grace Ward
    6. William John Tuckett
    7. Farmer
    8. Elizabeth Grace Rogers née Ward
  329. Henry Crossing
    1. Harry Crossing
    2. Farmer
    3. Farmer
    4. Vol 5b Page 185
    5. Henry Boon/Crossing
    6. Henry Boon
    7. Residence, Henry Boon
  330. Joseph Stokes
    1. Residence, Joseph Stokes
    2. Vol 6b Page 412
    3. Joseph Stokes
    4. Vol 9b Page 159
    5. Joseph Stokes
    6. Wilfred Lawson
    7. Doris Amelia Stokes
  331. Gertrude Alice Sweetland
    1. Probate, Gertrude Alice Ponsford
    2. Gertrude Alice Ponsford
    3. Residence, Gertrude Alice Ponsford
    4. Vol 21 Page 1072
  332. David John Rowlands
    1. Residence, David John Rowlands
    2. David John Rowlands
    3. David John Rowlands
    4. Bessie Jane Rogers
    5. Vol 1a Page 57
  333. Richard John Bartlett
    1. Emma Jane Fox
    2. Richard John Bartlett
    3. Vol 5b Page 339
    4. Residence, Richard John Bartlett
    5. Richard John Bartlett
  334. Arthur Ewart Preece
    1. Arthur Ewart Preece
    2. Probate, Arthur Ewart Preece
    3. Vol 24 Page 1465
    4. Residence, Arthur Ewart Preece
  335. Emma Franks
    1. John B Came
    2. Eunice Jane Franks
    3. Emma Casely
    4. Emma Franks née Casely
    5. Vol 5b Page 242
    6. Residence, Emma Casely
  336. Sydney Hugh Foss
    1. Elizabeth Luscombe
    2. Sidney Hugh Foss
    3. Residence, Sidney Hugh Foss
    4. Vol 5b Page 260
    5. Sydney Hugh Foss
  337. Albert Harold Such
    1. Albert Harold Such
    2. Vol 33 Page 1203
    3. Residence, Albert Harold Such
    4. Probate, Albert Harold Such
  338. Nicholas Kerswell
    1. Nicholas Kerswell
    2. Susan Emily Edwards
    3. Residence, Nicholas Kerswell
    4. Vol 5b Page 44
    5. Farmer
    6. Nicholas Kerswell (Admin)
  339. Thomas Dare Southard
    1. Thomas Dare Southard
    2. Plasterer
    3. Vol 5b Page 54
    4. Residence, Thomas Dare Southard
    5. Charlotte Southard
    6. Thomas Dare Southard
  340. Edwin Philip Maurice Walke
    1. Probate, Edwin Philip Maurice Walke
    2. Edwin Philip Maurice Walke
    3. Residence, Edwin Philip Maurice Walke
    4. Vol 21 Page 2111
  341. Arthur Frederick Adey
    1. Company Director
    2. Vol 9b Page 770
    3. Arthur Victor Adey
    4. Arthur Frederick Adey (Admin with will)
    5. Residence, Arthur Frederick Adey
    6. Arthur Frederick Adey
  342. Temperance Rogers
    1. Vol 5b Page 207
    2. Residence, Temperance Kerswell
    3. Probate, Temperance Kerswell
    4. George Rogers
    5. Temperance Kerswell
    6. Retired farmer
  343. Roger Horsewill
    1. Roger Horswill
    2. Vol 5b Page 148
    3. Cordwainer
    4. Roger Horswill
    5. Residence, Roger Horswill
    6. Residence, Maria Horswill
    7. Maria Horswill
  344. Morgan Thomas
    1. Mary Ann Shaw
    2. Morgan Thomas
    3. 2nd Welsh Regiment (C Company), No 5775
    4. Morgan Thomas (Admin)
    5. Vol 1a Page 953
  345. George Jules Cesar Marchand
    1. Georges Jules César Marchand
    2. George Jules César Marchand
    3. Vol 10a Page 834
    4. Gabrielle Marguerite Bonte
    5. Residence, Georges Jules César Marchand
  346. John Copplestone
    1. Veterinary Surgeon
    2. William Coplestone
    3. John Coplestone
    4. Veterinary Surgeon
    5. Residence, William Coplestone
    6. John Coplestone
    7. Vol 5b Page 39
  347. David Jones
    1. Residence, David Jones
    2. David Jones
    3. Vol 11a Page 948
    4. Hannah Thomas
    5. David Jones
    6. Farmer
  348. William George Furneaux Hunt
    1. Probate, William George Furneaux Hunt
    2. Residence, William George Furneaux Hunt
    3. Vol 21 Page 1966
    4. William George Furneaux Hunt
  349. Mary Jane Pearson
    1. Mary Jane Pearson née Stokes (Admin)
    2. Vol 6b Page 543
    3. Mary Jane Stokes
    4. Thomas Pearson
    5. Colliery Overman
    6. Residence, Mary Jane Stokes
  350. Isaac Stokes
    1. Thomas Eccleston
    2. Colliery under manager
    3. Isaac Stokes
    4. George Hudson
    5. Coal Miner
    6. Vol 6b Page 286
    7. Isaac Stokes
    8. Residence, Isaac Stokes
  351. Ida Maud Edmunds
    1. Probate, Ida Maud Edmunds
    2. Residence, Ida Maud Edmunds
    3. Vol 27 Page 892
    4. Ida Maud Edmunds
  352. Prudence Corbett
    1. Residence, Prudence Corbett
    2. Vol 6b Page 116
    3. Susannah Corbett
    4. Elizabeth Corbett
    5. Prudence Corbett
    6. Prudence Corbett
  353. Ernest Francis Nicks
    1. Residence, Ernest Francis Nicks
    2. Vol 6a Page 54
    3. Ernest Francis Nicks
    4. Probate, Ernest Francis Nicks
  354. Emily Dorothy Lear
    1. Elizabeth Dorothy White Dimond
    2. Vol 6a Page 380
    3. Emily Lear (Admin with will)
    4. George Hedgman Lear
    5. Residence, Emily Dimond Lear
    6. Emily Dimond Lear
  355. Ethel Jubilee Corbett
    1. Residence, Ethel Jubilee Corbett
    2. Vol 5c Page 959
    3. Probate, Ethel Jubilee Corbett
    4. Ethel Jubilee Corbett
  356. Mary Ann Howarth
    1. Mary Ann Howarth née Baddeley
    2. Organising Representative
    3. William Richardson
    4. Vol 10e Page 493
    5. Residence, Mary Ann Baddeley
    6. Mary Ann Baddeley
  357. William George Luscombe
    1. William George Luscombe (Admin)
    2. Vol 5b Page 269
    3. Bessie Wakeham
    4. William George Luscombe
    5. Residence, William George Luscombe
  358. John Rogers
    1. Elizabeth Newman Phillips
    2. John Rogers
    3. Vol 5b Page 207
    4. John Rogers
  359. Edith Helen Radcliffe
    1. Vol 6b Page 666/S
    2. Solicitor
    3. Alexander William Butcher
    4. Edith Helen Butcher
    5. Harold Duncan Butcher
    6. Residence, Edith Helen Butcher
    7. Retired licensed victualler
    8. Edith Helen Radcliffe née Butcher
  360. Alice Artemisia Evans
    1. Vol 8b Page 332
    2. Alice Artemisia Earley
    3. Alice Artemisia Evans née Earley
  361. Charlotte Batty
    1. Olivia Winifred Mary Batty
    2. Residence, Charlotte Alce
    3. Railway Linesman
    4. Arthur Thomas Batty
    5. Charlotte Batty née Alce (Admin)
    6. Vol 1d Page 230
    7. Charlotte Alce
  362. Ann Letheren
    1. Thomas Waters
    2. Ann Letheren née Waters
    3. Residence, Thomas Waters
    4. Vol 5b Page 55
    5. Yeoman
    6. Ann Waters
    7. Residence, Charles Ratcliffe Letheren
    8. Charles Ratcliffe Letheren
    9. Residence, Ann Waters
    10. Yeoman
  363. Elsie Florence Canham or Elsie Florence King
    1. Probate, Elsie Florence Pope
    2. Vol 13 Page 782
    3. Elsie Florence Pope
    4. Residence, Elsie Florence Pope
  364. Mary Thomas
    1. Mary Griffiths
    2. Mary Thomas née Griffiths
    3. Vol 11b Page 91
    4. Colliery fireman
    5. Residence, Mary Griffiths
    6. David Thomas
  365. Sarah Ann Moxey Sweetland
    1. Residence, Sarah Ann Moxey Roberts
    2. Sarah Ann Moxey Roberts
    3. Sarah Ann Moxey Sweetland née Roberts (Admin with will)
    4. Tailor
    5. Vol 5b Page 77
    6. Francis Arthur Sweetland
  366. Emily Kerswell
    1. Herbert Shubrook
    2. Emily Harper
    3. Residence, Emily Harper
    4. Mabel Frances Kerswell
    5. Vol 2a Page 2405
    6. Emily Kerswell née Harper (Admin)
  367. John Garbett
    1. Residence, John Garbett
    2. Probate, John Garbett
    3. Probate, John Garbett
    4. John Garbett
    5. Vol 8b Page 434
  368. Edward Thomas Sweetland
    1. Vol 21 Page 1040
    2. Probate, Edward Thomas Sweetland
    3. Edward Thomas Sweetland
    4. Residence, Edward Thomas Sweetland
  369. Thurza Dora Wotton
    1. Harold Pinhey
    2. Railway Employee
    3. Residence, Thirza Dora Stone
    4. Thirza Dora Wotton née Stone
    5. Thirza Dora Stone
    6. Vol 5b Page 234
    7. Richard Edward Wotton
  370. Edgar George Rogers
    1. Edgar George Rogers (Admin)
    2. Beatrice Alice Louisa Davis
    3. Residence, Edgar George Rogers
    4. Edgar George Rogers
    5. Vol 7a Page 761
  371. John Lane
    1. Vol 5b Page 117
    2. John Lane
    3. Stanley Herbert Newman Lane
    4. Chartered Accountant
    5. Accountant
    6. Town Clerk's Assistant
    7. John Lane
    8. Percival Moyce Lane
    9. Residence, John Lane
  372. Albert Thomas Rogers
    1. Residence, Albert Thomas Rogers
    2. Vol 7a Page 717
    3. Albert Thomas Rogers
    4. Rosa Garland Seward
    5. Albert Thomas Rogers
  373. Kate Mary Kerswell
    1. John Cecil Emerson Stevens
    2. Residence, Kate Mary Kerswell
    3. Kate Mary Kerswell
    4. Kate Mary Kerswell
    5. Transport Manager
    6. Vol 5f Page 138
  374. Anthony Downing
    1. Farmer
    2. Probate, Anthony Downing
    3. Vol 6b Page 519
    4. Residence, Anthony Downing
    5. Anthony Downing
  375. Herbert Francis Allen
    1. Herbert Francis Allen
    2. Residence, Herbert Francis Allen
    3. Vol 8b Page 490
    4. Probate, Herbert Francis Allen
  376. Gwladys Morrish
    1. Vol 8b Page 3047
    2. Probate, Gwladys Parsons
    3. Residence, Gwladys Parsons
    4. Gwladys Parsons
  377. Elizabeth Bracken
    1. Elizabeth Nicks
    2. Ernest Sidney Bracken
    3. Vol 5b Page 394
    4. Elizabeth Bracken née Nicks
    5. Frank John Bracken
    6. Dockyard shipwright
    7. Naval pensioner
    8. Residence, Elizabeth Nicks
  378. Andrew Rogers
    1. Andrew Rogers
    2. John Reuben Rogers
    3. Death, John Reuben Rogers
    4. Vol 3a Page 298
    5. Gentleman
    6. Vol 5b Page 137
    7. Death, Albert Rogers
    8. Andrew Rogers
    9. Herbert Rogers
    10. Sidney Rogers
    11. Gentleman
    12. Albert Rogers
    13. Gertrude Anne Rogers
    14. Gentleman
    15. Residence, Andrew Rogers
    16. Andrew Rogers
  379. William John Sweetland
    1. William John Sweetland
    2. William John Sweetland
    3. Dairyman
    4. Vol 5b Page 61
    5. Residence, William John Sweetland
    6. Peter Slader
    7. Fruiterer
  380. Winifred Randle Smith Hall
    1. Winifred Randle Smith Hall
    2. Probate, Winifred Randle Smith Hall
    3. Residence, Winifred Randle Smith Hall
    4. Vol 32 Page 0681
  381. Margaret Preece
    1. Margaret Preece née John (Admin)
    2. John Preece
    3. Margaret John
    4. Vol 11a Page 348
    5. Ironmonger
  382. William Maidment
    1. Residence, William Maidment
    2. William Maidment
    3. John Steadman Griffiths
    4. William Maidment
    5. Mary Ann Rogers
    6. Schoolmaster
    7. Vol 11a Page 547
  383. James Deacon
    1. Vol 2b Page 312
    2. Butcher
    3. James Deacon
    4. Residence, William Edwin Deacon
    5. James Deacon
    6. Residence, James Deacon
    7. Draper
    8. William Edwin Deacon
  384. Johanna Jutson Cranch Simmons
    1. Farmer
    2. Johanna Jutson Cranch Simmons née Foss
    3. Henrietta Julia Baxter
    4. Residence, Johanna Jutsom Cranch Foss
    5. Vol 3a Page 21
    6. Johanna Jutsom Cranch Foss
    7. Henry Phelps Baxter
  385. Morgan Griffiths
    1. Residence, Morgan Griffiths
    2. Morgan Griffiths
    3. Vol 11a Page 417
    4. Morgan Griffiths (Admin)
    5. John Garbett
    6. Sarah Jane Stedman Griffiths
  386. Jessie Elizabeth Alce
    1. Builder
    2. Leslie James Alce
    3. Jessie Elizabeth Reid
    4. Kathleen Mary Alce
    5. Vol 5b Page 68
    6. Albert George Matson
    7. Residence, Jessie Elizabeth Reid
    8. Jessie Elizabeth Alce née Reid (Admin with will)
  387. Dugald Richard Gillies
    1. Dugald Richard Gillies
    2. Residence, Dugald Richard Gillies
    3. Vol 6b Page 44
    4. Dugald Richard Gillies
  388. Hubert John Jones Rogers
    1. Residence, Hubert John Jones Rogers
    2. Vol 7a Page 421
    3. Probate, Hubert John Jones Rogers
    4. Hubert John Jones Rogers
  389. Sarah Ann Rogers
    1. William Rogers
    2. Sarah Ann Rogers née Fox (Admin)
    3. Farmer
    4. Sarah Ann Fox
    5. Residence, Sarah Ann Fox
    6. Vol 5b Page 132
  390. Marjorie Steadman Densley
    1. Probate, Marjorie Steadman Griffiths
    2. Reg 62A, Entry 125
    3. Marjorie Steadman Griffiths
    4. Residence, Marjorie Steadman Griffiths
  391. Richard Rundle
    1. Nora Ellen Rundle
    2. Residence, Richard Rundle
    3. Vol 7a Page 825
    4. Richard Rundle (Admin)
    5. Richard Rundle
  392. Thomas Lane
    1. Steel Trap Maker
    2. Thomas Lane
    3. Residence, Thomas Lane
    4. Henry Lane
    5. Key Maker and House Agent
    6. Thomas Lane
    7. Vol 5b Page 248
  393. Sarah Jane Cowburn
    1. Residence, Sarah Jane Davies
    2. Sarah Jane Davies
    3. Probate, Sarah Jane Davies
    4. Vol 10f Page 301
  394. Francis Hollis Morgan (Admin)
    1. Francis Hollis Morgan
    2. Residence, Francis Hollis Morgan
    3. Francis Hollis Morgan
  395. Ernest Arthur Foss
    1. Phoebe Jane Newman
    2. Residence, Ernest Arthur Foss
    3. Vol 5b Page 270
    4. Ernest Arthur Foss
    5. Ernest Arthur Foss
  396. Ellen Nicks
    1. Vol 5b Page 79
    2. Ellen Nicks
    3. Residence, Ellen Nicks
    4. Probate, Ellen Nicks
  397. Eliza Slader
    1. Residence, Eliza Sweetland
    2. Eliza Slader née Sweetland (Admin)
    3. Vol 5b Page 44
    4. Merchant
    5. Eliza Sweetland
    6. William Thomas Slader
  398. Beatrice Violet Rogers
    1. Vol 21 Page 2617
    2. Beatrice Violet Weeks
    3. Residence, Beatrice Violet Weeks
    4. Probate, Beatrice Violet Weeks
  399. Sarah Jane Rogers
    1. Sarah Jane Rogers (Admin)
    2. Sarah Jane Rogers
    3. Celia Jane Rogers
    4. Residence, Sarah Jane Rogers
    5. Vol 5b Page 203
  400. Percy Furneaux Hunt
    1. Probate, Percy Furneaux Hunt
    2. Vol 7a Page 2354
    3. Residence, Percy Furneaux Hunt
    4. Percy Furneaux Hunt
  401. Thomas Crossing
    1. Residence, Henry Luscombe
    2. Thomas Boon
    3. Gentleman
    4. Vol 5b Page 131
    5. Henry Luscombe
    6. Henry Boon
    7. Residence, Henry Boon
    8. Farmer
    9. Residence, Thomas Boon
    10. Thomas Boon/Crossing
    11. Farmer
  402. Edwyn David Dickson
    1. Edwyn David Dickson (Admin with will)
    2. Second Lieutenant 9th Lincolnshire Regiment
    3. Edwyn David Dickson
    4. Death, Edwyn David Dickson
    5. Gladys Hilda Jones
    6. Residence, Edwyn David Dickson
  403. Thomas Norman Rogers
    1. Vol 7a Page 540
    2. Mary Tremayne
    3. Residence, Thomas Norman Rogers
    4. Thomas Norman Rogers
    5. Thomas Norman Rogers
  404. Lydia Nicks
    1. Lydia Rew
    2. Vol 5b Page 31
    3. Lydia Nicks née Rew (Admin with will)
    4. Residence, Lydia Rew
    5. Sarah Ann Nicks
  405. Henry Luscombe
    1. Richard Peek Luscombe
    2. Henry Luscombe
    3. Gentleman
    4. Vol 5b Page 225
    5. Henry Luscombe
    6. Merchant
    7. Residence, Henry Luscombe
  406. Elizabeth Ann Edwards
    1. Coal Miner
    2. Residence, Elizabeth Ann Stedman Griffiths
    3. William Edwards
    4. Elizabeth Ann Stedman Edwards née Griffiths
    5. Vol 11a Page 737
    6. Elizabeth Ann Stedman Griffiths
  407. Gwilym Lewis
    1. Vol 11a Page 435
    2. Abraham Jenkin Lewis
    3. Miner
    4. Gwilym Lewis (Admin with will)
    5. Residence, Gwilym Lewis
    6. Gwilym Lewis
  408. Thomas Norman Rogers
    1. Thomas Norman Rogers
    2. Blanche Mary Kerswell
    3. Thomas Norman Rogers
    4. Residence, Thomas Norman Rogers
    5. Vol 3a Page 244
  409. Tom John
    1. Diana Lewis
    2. Residence, Thomas John
    3. Vol 11a Page 557
    4. Thomas John
    5. Thomas John
  410. George Rogers
    1. George Rogers
    2. Farmer
    3. Vol 5b Page 281
    4. Arthur Torring Rogers
    5. George Rogers
    6. Rosa Alberta Torring
    7. Farmer
    8. Residence, George Rogers
    9. Percy Furneaux Hunt
  411. Doris Amelia Lawson
    1. Residence, Doris Amelia Stokes
    2. Doris Amelia Stokes
    3. Probate, Doris Amelia Stokes
    4. Vol 9b Page 206